in a way that involves the absence of life or the absence of living forms
abiotically pollinated plant species
Examples of 'abiotically' in a sentence
Coastal dunes are both abiotically stressful and frequently disturbed systems.
Camila de Toledo Castanho, Christopher J. Lortie, Benjamin Zaitchik, Paulo InácioPrado 2015, 'A meta-analysis of plant facilitation in coastal dune systems: responses, regions,and research gaps', PeerJ Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Bubble scavenging experiments showed that newly aggregated particles could be formed abiotically by coagulation of low molecular weight nanometer-sized gels.
Q. Gao, C. Leck, C. Rauschenberg, P. A. Matrai 2012, 'On the chemical dynamics of extracellular polysaccharides in the high Arctic surfacemicrolayer', Ocean Science (OS) Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
These features are not observed in magnetic particles produced abiotically and thus magnetosomes are of great interest in biotechnology.
Ana Carolina V. Araujo, Fernanda Abreu, Karen Tavares Silva, Dennis A. Bazylinski,Ulysses Lins 2015, 'Magnetotactic Bacteria as Potential Sources of Bioproducts', Marine Drugs Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (