These results display the complexity of microstructural contributions to mechanical properties in maraging steels.
Thomas Simm, Lin Sun, Steven McAdam, Paul Hill, Martin Rawson, Karen Perkins 2017, 'The Influence of Lath, Block and Prior Austenite Grain (PAG) Size on the Tensile,Creep and Fatigue Properties of Novel Maraging Steel', Materials Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The multi-layer overlapped cladding material was deposited on maraging steel substrates using laser hot-wire deposition.
Shaopeng Wei, Gang Wang, Liping Wang, Yiming Rong 2018, 'Characteristics of microstructure and stresses and their effects on interfacial fracturebehavior for laser-deposited maraging steel', Materials & Design Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The present paper describes the effect of microstructure and residual stresses on the interfacial fracture behavior of laser-deposited maraging steel.
Shaopeng Wei, Gang Wang, Liping Wang, Yiming Rong 2018, 'Characteristics of microstructure and stresses and their effects on interfacial fracturebehavior for laser-deposited maraging steel', Materials & Design Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Maraging steels have excellent combination of strength and toughness and are extensively used for a variety of aerospace applications.
S.V.S. Narayana Murty, Sushant K. Manwatkar, P. Ramesh Narayanan 2016, 'Metallurgical analysis of a failed maraging steel shear screw used in the band separationsystem of a satellite launch vehicle', Defence Technology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Maraging steels gain many of their beneficial properties from heat treatments which induce the precipitation of intermetallic compounds.
Thomas Hadfield Simm, Lin Sun, Deri Rhys Galvin, Paul Hill, Martin Rawson, Soran Birosca,Elliot Paul Gilbert, Harshad Bhadeshia, Karen Perkins 2017, 'The Effect of a Two-Stage Heat-Treatment on the Microstructural and Mechanical Propertiesof a Maraging Steel', Materials Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The influences of the chemical composition and heating rate have been studied in 300 and 350 maraging steels using dilatometry.
Leandro Gomes de Carvalho, Margareth Spangler Andrade, Ronald Lesley Plaut, FabrícioMendes Souza, Angelo Fernando Padilha 2013, 'A dilatometric study of the phase transformations in 300 and 350 maraging steels duringcontinuous heating rates', Materials Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A new maraging stainless steel with superior strength–toughness–corrosion synergy has been developed based on an innovative concept of alloy design.
Jialong Tian, Wei Wang, M. Babar Shahzad, Wei Yan, Yiyin Shan, Zhouhua Jiang, Ke Yang 2017, 'A New Maraging Stainless Steel with Excellent Strength–Toughness–Corrosion Synergy',Materials Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The composition characteristics of maraging stainless steels were studied in the presentwork investigation using a cluster-plus-glue-atom model.
Zhen Li, Ruiqian Zhang, Qianfeng Zha, Yingmin Wang, Jianbing Qiang, Chuang Dong 2014, 'Composition design of superhigh strength maraging stainless steels using a clustermodel', Progress in Natural Science: Materials International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (