a piece of incombustible material left after the combustion of coal, coke, etc; clinker
a piece of charred material that burns without flames; ember
3. Also called: sinter
any solid waste from smelting or refining
4. (plural)
fragments of volcanic lava; scoriae
5. (transitive) rare
to burn to cinders
Derived forms
cindery (ˈcindery)
Word origin
Old English sinder; related to Old Norse sindr, Old High German sintar, Old Slavonic sedra stalactite
cinder in American English
slag, as from the reduction of metallic ores
a rough piece of solid lava
any matter, as coal or wood, burned out or partly burned, but not reduced to ashes
a minute piece of such matter
a coal that is still burning but not flaming
6. [pl.]
ashes from coal or wood
verb transitive
7. Rare
to burn to cinders
to cover with cinders
Derived forms
cindery (ˈcindery)
Word origin
ME & OE sinder, dross of iron, slag < IE base *sendhro-, coagulating fluid > Ger sinter, dross of iron, stalactite, sintern, to trickle, coagulate, Czech śadra, gypsum
Examples of 'cinder' in a sentence
He got off the bus, no turning back, no thunderbolt to blight him to a cinder simply by hoping for it.
Sillitoe, Alan THE OPEN DOOR (2003)
It's a cinder block building with an orange light in the yard.
Wood, Ted SNOWJOB (2003)
All related terms of 'cinder'
cinder cone
a small, conical volcano built of ash and cinders
cinder block
A cinder block is a large grey brick made from coal cinders and cement which is used for building .
cinder track
a racetrack covered with fine cinders
breeze block
A breeze-block is a large, grey brick made from ashes and cement.
clinker block
a light building brick made from the ashes of coal, coke , etc, bonded together by cement and used esp for walls that bear relatively small loads