Margaret began picking up the pieces from old games: Clue, The Game of the States, Careers.
Smiley, Jane BARN BLIND (1994)
All related terms of 'The Game'
on the game
If a man or woman is on the game , he or she is working as a prostitute .
play the game
to do things in the accepted way or in the way that you are told to in order to keep your job or to achieve success
control the game
A game is one particular occasion on which a game is played.
name of the game
anything that is essential , significant , or important
new to the game
having no previous experience of an activity that you are taking part in
the beautiful game
the game is up
If you say the game is up , you mean that someone's secret plans or activities have been revealed and therefore must stop because they cannot succeed .
ahead of the game
well prepared to deal with any change that happens in the activity that you are involved in
give the game away
to reveal something which someone had been trying to keep secret
not play the game
to behave in an unfair and unacceptable way
the name of the game
If you say that something is the name of the game , you mean that it is the most important aspect of a situation .
play the numbers game
to use amounts or figures to support an argument , often in a way that confuses or misleads people
all part of the game
If you say that something is all part of the game , you are telling someone not to be surprised or upset by something, because it is a normal part of the situation that they are in.
the numbers game/racket
If you refer to the numbers game , the numbers racket , or the numbers , you are referring to an illegal lottery or illegal betting .
the only game in town
the only option worth considering
to give the game away
If someone or something gives the game away , they reveal a secret or reveal their feelings , and this puts them at a disadvantage .
the game is not worth the candle
If you say that the game is not worth the candle , you mean that something is not worth the trouble or effort needed to achieve or obtain it.
(a game) not worth the candle
(a game) with stakes not sufficient to pay for the lights