释义 |
1 a : physically harmful or destructive to living beings noxious waste noxious fumes b : constituting a harmful influence on mind or behavior especially : morally corrupting noxious doctrines 2 : disagreeable, obnoxious this noxious political scandal H. L. Ickes 1 as in poisonous bad for the well-being of the body mixing bleach and ammonia can cause noxious fumes that can seriously harm you -
poisonous -
toxic -
unhealthful -
unwholesome -
noisome -
insalubrious -
unhealthy -
sickly -
insanitary -
unsanitary -
lethal -
unhygienic -
fatal -
germy -
nonnutritious -
mortal -
healthful -
sanitary -
healthy -
hygienic -
nutritious 2 as in harmful causing or capable of causing harm noxious smog that for years has been encrusting the historic cathedral with soot -
harmful -
dangerous -
damaging -
adverse -
detrimental -
poisonous -
bad -
hazardous -
pernicious -
injurious -
baneful -
deleterious -
evil -
infectious -
nocuous -
baleful -
prejudicial -
hurtful -
wicked -
mischievous -
destructive -
ill -
hostile -
deadly -
venomous -
pestilential -
lethal -
infective -
insidious -
unsafe -
pestilent -
pestiferous -
sinister -
ominous -
unfriendly -
inimical -
threatening -
risky -
menacing -
noisome -
unwholesome -
unhealthful -
perilous -
malignant -
unhealthy -
contagious -
fatal -
nasty -
ruinous -
unsound -
parlous -
imperiling -
killer -
jeopardizing -
imperilling -
innocuous -
harmless -
benign -
beneficial -
anodyne -
safe -
useful -
inoffensive -
innocent -
advantageous -
favorable -
good -
salubrious -
healthful -
wholesome -
salutary -
propitious -
curative -
remedial -
healthy -
palliative -
sound -
helpful -
hurtless -
nonpoisonous -
nontoxic -
secure -
noninfectious -
benignant -
noncorrosive -
nonlethal -
nondestructive -
nonfatal -
nonpolluting -
nonvenomous See More 3 as in disgusting causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment the website reserved the right to remove and report hate speech and other noxious types of postings -
disgusting -
ugly -
awful -
sickening -
horrible -
hideous -
obscene -
obnoxious -
nasty -
dreadful -
offensive -
shocking -
unpleasant -
loathsome -
odious -
evil -
noisome -
repulsive -
repugnant -
abominable -
revolting -
horrid -
repellent -
nauseating -
distasteful -
abhorrent -
appalling -
gross -
vile -
undesirable -
rancid -
gruesome -
scandalous -
horrific -
foul -
terrible -
horrendous -
nauseous -
disturbing -
fulsome -
unwanted -
objectionable -
hateful -
disagreeable -
repellant -
monstrous -
unwholesome -
detestable -
contemptible -
horrifying -
unhealthy -
miserable -
despicable -
heinous -
unsavory -
ghastly -
brackish -
unwelcome -
grim -
execrable -
unspeakable -
lurid -
nightmarish -
frightful -
exceptionable -
unholy -
sick -
barbarous -
grisly -
sickly -
atrocious -
ungodly -
dislikable -
uncivilized -
macabre -
dislikeable -
lousy -
sickish -
upsetting -
unchristian -
hard -
distressing -
off-putting -
grewsome -
innocuous -
desirable -
pleasant -
inoffensive -
acceptable -
delightful -
sweet -
delicious -
agreeable -
attractive -
congenial -
alluring -
pleasurable -
delectable -
heavenly -
enjoyable -
luscious -
satisfying -
palatable -
appealing -
nice -
savory -
dreamy -
felicitous -
gratifying -
pleasing -
welcome -
savoury -
dulcet -
unobjectionable -
likable -
inviting -
likeable -
darling -
blessed -
blest -
salubrious -
healthful -
wholesome -
unexceptionable -
salutary -
healthy -
restorative -
delightsome See More |