Recent Examples on the WebWhen mistakes are low-consequence, smart leaders recategorize errors as learning opportunities, evolutionary misguidance and situational myopia rather than doling out errors with penalties and professional purgatory. Nuala Walsh, Forbes, 27 Dec. 2021 As a new wave of COVID-19 sweeps across the Washington, a number of lawmakers are publicly calling out the confusion and misguidance over safety and testing policies at the Capitol. Nicole Goodkind, Fortune, 5 Oct. 2020 The states that followed Trump's misguidance posted new daily highs and higher percentages of positive tests than those that did not. The Editors, Scientific American, 14 Sep. 2020 The next season, Harris embarked on a scorched-earth rebuilding policy that resulted in 75 wins over the next four seasons under the misguidance of Sam Hinkie, who whiffed on three lottery picks. Marcus Hayes,, 4 July 2018