providing no hope; beyond optimism or hope; desperate: a hopeless case of cancer.
without hope; despairing: hopeless grief.
impossible to accomplish, solve, resolve, etc.: Balancing my budget is hopeless.
not able to learn or act, perform, or work as desired; inadequate for the purpose: As a bridge player, you're hopeless.
Origin of hopeless
First recorded in 1560–70; hope + -less
1 irremediable, remediless, incurable.
2 forlorn, disconsolate, dejected.
synonym study for hopeless
2. Hopeless,despairing,despondent,desperate all describe an absence of hope. Hopeless is used of a feeling of futility and passive abandonment of oneself to fate: Hopeless and grim, he still clung to the cliff.Despairing refers to the loss of hope in regard to a particular situation, whether important or trivial; it suggests an intellectual judgment concerning probabilities: despairing of victory; despairing of finding his gloves.Despondent always suggests melancholy and depression; it refers to an emotional state rather than to an intellectual judgment: Despondent over ill health, he killed himself. She became despondent and suspicious.Desperate conveys a suggestion of recklessness resulting from loss of hope: As the time grew shorter, he became desperate. It may also refer to something arising from extreme need or danger: a desperate remedy; a desperate situation. See also despair.
When you’re under stress and feel hopeless, it’s more likely that these conflicts spiral into violence.
What Can Mayors Do When the Police Stop Doing Their Jobs?|by Alec MacGillis|September 3, 2020|ProPublica
Helpless, hopeless, despondent, all sorts of sad emotions in the English language that you can think of.
Podcast: How a 135-year-old law lets India shutdown the internet|Anthony Green|September 2, 2020|MIT Technology Review
While it may feel hopeless to see all of this unfold, just remember that you can still take responsibility in securing the health of yourself and the people you love.
The CDC’s new COVID-19 testing guidelines could make the pandemic worse|Sara Kiley Watson|August 27, 2020|Popular Science
Nothing formally came of it, but one of the men, the pro-democracy economist Fouad Abdelmoumni, says his friends high up at the agency told him the letter was hopeless and urged him to drop the matter.