a slender or pointed end or extremity, especially of anything long or tapered: the tips of the fingers.
the top, summit, or apex: the tip of the mountain.
a small piece or part, as of metal or leather, forming or covering the extremity of something: a cane with a rubber tip.
Also called tip-in[tip-in], /ˈtɪpˌɪn/, tip-on[tip-on, -awn] /ˈtɪpˌɒn, -ˌɔn/ . an insert, as an illustration, map, or errata slip, pasted to a page of a book, magazine, etc., usually along the binding margin.
a small, delicate tool made of fine hair cemented between two cards, for applying gold leaf.
verb (used with object),tipped,tip·ping.
to furnish with a tip.
to serve as or form the tip of.
to mark or adorn the tip of.
to remove the tip or stem of (berries or certain fruits or vegetables).
to frost the ends of (hair strands): I'm having my hair cut and tipped tomorrow.
Verb Phrases
tip in,Bookbinding. to paste the inner margin of (a map, illustration, or other plate) into a signature before gathering.
Origin of tip
First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English; compare Dutch, Low German, Danish tip, Swedish tipp, German zipf- in Zipfel “tip”
Words nearby tip
tiny, Tiny Tim, -tion, tio Tom, -tious, tip, tip and run, tipburn, tipcart, tipcat, tipi
Definition for tip (2 of 4)
[ tip ]
/ tɪp /
verb (used with object),tipped,tip·ping.
to cause to assume a slanting or sloping position; incline; tilt.
to overturn, upset, or overthrow (often followed by over).
to remove or lift (one's hat or cap) in salutation.
British. to empty out (contents) from a container by tilting; dump: The dustmen tipped the rubbish on the municipal dump.Tip the batter into a rectangular baking dish.
verb (used without object),tipped,tip·ping.
to assume a slanting or sloping position; incline.
to tilt up at one end and down at the other; slant.
to be overturned or upset: The car tipped into the ditch.
to tumble or topple (usually followed by over): The lamp on the table tipped over.
the act of tipping.
the state of being tipped.
a dump for refuse, as that from a mine.
Informal.an untidy place, especially a room: They must have packed and left in a rush, because the place is an absolute tip.
Origin of tip
First recorded in 1300–50; earlier tipen,Middle English typen “to upset, overturn”
Definition for tip (3 of 4)
[ tip ]
/ tɪp /
a small present of money given directly to someone for performing a service or menial task; gratuity: He gave the waiter a dollar as a tip.
a piece of private or secret information, as for use in betting, speculating, or writing a news story: a tip from a bookie.
a useful hint or idea; a basic, practical fact: tips on painting.
verb (used with object),tipped,tip·ping.
to give a gratuity to.
verb (used without object),tipped,tip·ping.
to give a gratuity: She tipped lavishly.
Verb Phrases
tip off,Informal.
to supply with private or secret information; inform.
to warn of impending danger or trouble; caution beforehand: The moonshiners had been tipped off that they were about to be raided.
Origin of tip
First recorded in 1600–10; perhaps special use of tip4
3 suggestion, pointer.
Definition for tip (4 of 4)
[ tip ]
/ tɪp /
a light, smart blow; tap.
Baseball. a batted ball that glances off the bat.Compare foul tip.
verb (used with object),tipped,tip·ping.
to strike or hit with a light, smart blow; tap.
Baseball. to strike (the ball) with a glancing blow.
Origin of tip
First recorded in 1425–75; late Middle English (noun); perhaps from Low German; compare German tippen “to tap,” from Low German
Like this “The Ultimate Agency Guide to Video Marketing” landing page, where everyone can download a guide with helpful tips on video marketing.
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On Twitter, you will find GoPro product announcements while their YouTube channel has video tutorials and tips.
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In a B2B context, we are seeing people searching for lockdown tips on how best to work from home, business owners are searching for ways to prepare to get back to normality and people want to know what the office of the future looks like.
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Perhaps your team can spend time developing on-site content with actionable “how-to” tips that are relevant to your industry.
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That’s not to slander machine learning, but nature may have a tip or two to improve the situation.
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Earlier this year, security at major airports was tightened because of a tip that al-Asiri had been working on a cell phone bomb.
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Tip: The narrower upper deck in coach is the better choice because its eight-seat rows cannot be extended.
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On one of my last evenings in Beirut, I went to a beach party at the Sporting club, at the tip of the city that juts into the sea.
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The mattress causes the boat to tip forward, and in the ensuing rocking the boat begins to take on water.
Whatever You Do Someone Will Die. A Short Story About Impossible Choices in Iraq|Nathan Bradley Bethea|August 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Our oceans are at a tipping point, which means we still have a chance to tip things back in the right direction—if we act now.
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"Don't say that it is not pretty," added my aunt, brushing the firedog with the tip of her tiny boot.
Monsieur, Madame and Bebe, Complete|Gustave Droz
I wonder how it would be for me to tip Sid off not to do it?
The Eight-Oared Victors|Lester Chadwick
Why, you fool, he's just a little clerk that was useful, and was going to get a tip for his pains.
Hurricane Island|H. B. Marriott Watson
The entire secret of it was to have the patient raise the tip of the tongue to the palate and hold it there while speaking.
Psychotherapy|James J. Walsh
Some were so small that three or four of them would fit on the tip of Daoud's finger.
The Saracen: Land of the Infidel|Robert Shea
British Dictionary definitions for tip (1 of 4)
/ (tɪp) /
the extreme end of something, esp a narrow or pointed end
the top or summit
a small piece forming an extremity or enda metal tip on a cane
verbtips, tippingortipped(tr)
to adorn or mark the tip of
to cause to form a tip
Derived forms of tip
tipless, adjective
Word Origin for tip
C15: from Old Norse typpa; related to Middle Low German, Middle Dutch tip
British Dictionary definitions for tip (2 of 4)
/ (tɪp) /
verbtips, tippingortipped
to tilt or cause to tilt
(usually foll by over or up) to tilt or cause to tilt, so as to overturn or fall
Britishto dump (rubbish, etc)
tip one's hatto take off, raise, or touch one's hat in salutation
the act of tipping or the state of being tipped
Britisha dump for refuse, etc
Derived forms of tip
tippable, adjective
Word Origin for tip
C14: of uncertain origin; related to top1, topple
British Dictionary definitions for tip (3 of 4)
/ (tɪp) /
a payment given for services in excess of the standard charge; gratuity
a helpful hint, warning, or other piece of information
a piece of inside information, esp in betting or investing
verbtips, tippingortipped
to give a tip to (a person)
Word Origin for tip
C18: perhaps from tip4
British Dictionary definitions for tip (4 of 4)
/ (tɪp) /
verbtips, tippingortipped(tr)
to hit or strike lightly
to hit (a ball) indirectly so that it glances off the bat in cricket