Both smoking and grilling them resulted in juicy, flavorful meat.
5 Portable Grills for All Your Outdoor Cooking Needs|Amy Marturana Winderl|September 2, 2020|Outside Online
For example, one way to gauge opportunity within the firm is to look at the people who get the juicy gigs—people with leadership roles on PwC’s Fortune 500 accounts.
PwC releases its first-ever diversity report|Ellen McGirt|August 27, 2020|Fortune
Those in the TV world have read that change to mean the era of juicy panel gigs and rosters full of various Russia experts has come to a close.
‘There’s no antagonist’: News outlets mull the possible end of their editorial and business-side ‘Trump Bump’ bonanza|Steven Perlberg|August 10, 2020|Digiday
One of the juicier nymph-based stories has to do with the water nymph, Salmacis, who wanted the handsome hero Hermaphoditus so bad she physically merged her body with his.
What Is The Origin Of The Term “Nymphomaniac”|Candice Bradley|August 3, 2020|Everything After Z
You must have been pretty stoked when you found out that Cary would have such a big, juicy arc this season.
The Good Wife’s Secret Weapon: Matt Czuchry on Cary Agos’s Terrible, Horrible Year|Kevin Fallon|October 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
All these debates and doings made for juicy news, and the men of the local staff, ably bossed by Callahan, poured it out daily.
The Stacks: H.L. Mencken on the 1904 Baltimore Fire|H.L. Mencken|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You were really the first person to give him a juicy leading role, in Chasing Amy.
Kevin Smith's Marijuanaissance: On 'Tusk,' 'Falling Out' with Ben Affleck, and 20 Years of 'Clerks'|Marlow Stern|September 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Gillian Flynn, the bestselling suspense writer of Gone Girl, has also spun out a juicy thriller.
Inside George R.R. Martin’s New Book (Mild Buzzkill: Only One Story is Martin’s)|William O’Connor|June 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Anything involving that obscene level of cash will definitely have juicy stories behind it.
Speed Read: Kenneth Vogel’s ‘Big Money’ Shows How PACs Control Politics|William O’Connor|June 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Fruit large or very large; flesh semi-melting or juicy, sugary and of a distinct perfumed flavor.
The Pears of New York|U. P. Hedrick
I was to lead the party, as I fancied I knew the direction where I had found the juicy fruit.
In the Wilds of Africa|W.H.G. Kingston
The berries were thick and juicy, and the bottoms of the tin pails were covered in a few minutes.
Four Little Blossoms at Brookside Farm|Mabel C. Hawley
The sugar-cane grows very large and juicy, but is eaten without preparation.
An Account of The Kingdom of Nepal|Fancis Buchanan Hamilton
The fruit consists of a flat, purple, juicy berry; and is sometimes used for dyeing purple.
The Field and Garden Vegetables of America|Fearing Burr