单词 | boorish |
释义 | boorish[ boor-ish ] / ˈbʊər ɪʃ / SEE SYNONYMS FOR boorish ON THESAURUS.COM adjectiveof or like a boor; unmannered; crude; insensitive. Origin of boorishFirst recorded in 1555–65; boor + -ish1 SYNONYMS FOR boorishcoarse, uncouth, loutish, churlish. SEE SYNONYMS FOR boorish ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR boorishrefined. SEE ANTONYMS FOR boorish ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for boorishBoorish, oafish, rude, uncouth all describe persons, acts, manners, or mannerisms that violate in some way the generally accepted canons of polite, considerate behavior. Boorish, originally referring to behavior characteristic of an unlettered rustic or peasant, now implies a coarse and blatant lack of sensitivity to the feelings or values of others: a boorish refusal to acknowledge greetings. Oafish suggests slow-witted, loutlike, clumsy behavior: oafish table manners. Rude has the widest scope of meaning of these words; it suggests either purposefully impudent discourtesy or, less frequently, a rough crudity of appearance or manner: a rude remark; a rude thatched hut. Uncouth stresses most strongly in modern use a lack of good manners, whether arising from ignorance or brashness: uncouth laughter; an uncouth way of staring at strangers. OTHER WORDS FROM boorishboor·ish·ly, adverbboor·ish·ness, nounWords nearby boorishboong, boonga, boongary, boonies, boor, boorish, booshit, boost, booster, booster cable, booster dose Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for boorishBritish Dictionary definitions for boorishboorish / (ˈbʊərɪʃ) / adjectiveill-mannered, clumsy, or insensitive; rude Derived forms of boorishboorishly, adverbboorishness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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