释义 |
[ lee-nee-uhnt, leen-yuhnt ] / ˈli ni ənt, ˈlin yənt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR lenient ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveagreeably tolerant; permissive; indulgent: He tended to be lenient toward the children. More lenient laws encouraged greater freedom of expression. Archaic. softening, soothing, or alleviative. Origin of lenient1645–55; <Latin lēnient- (stem of lēniēns), present participle of lēnīre to soften, alleviate, soothe. See lenis, -ent OTHER WORDS FROM lenientle·ni·ent·ly, adverbsu·per·le·ni·ent, adjectivesu·per·le·ni·ent·ly, adverbun·le·ni·ent, adjective un·le·ni·ent·ly, adverb Words nearby lenientlengthways, lengthwise, lengthy, Lengua, leniency, lenient, Lenin, Leninabad, Leninakan, Leningrad, Leninism Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for lenientIn 46 of the cases, the accused officer was given an outcome more lenient than jail time, like probation or pretrial intervention. How Criminal Cops Often Avoid Jail|by Andrew Ford, Asbury Park Press|September 23, 2020|ProPublica The pressure that led to the prisoner release also laid the groundwork for more-lenient emigration policies. The Failed Hijacking That Remade the Soviet Union|Eromo Egbejule|August 24, 2020|Ozy The Jewish Week reported that sources said Hynes was expected to dispose of the case with a lenient plea deal. The Orthodox Sex Abuse Crackdown That Wasn’t|Emily Shire|October 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST Caminero just sounds like a jerk, and his charge of criminal mischief almost too lenient. When Artists Attack—Themselves|Jessica Dawson|February 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The New York Times and The Guardian asked President Obama to be lenient on the leaker in two editorials Thursday. Michael Hayden, Ex-NSA Director, Says Clemency for Edward Snowden Is ‘Outrageous’ Idea|Eli Lake|January 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST In other words, Berlusconi's trivialization of the Shoah and his lenient views regarding Mussolini are not uncommon. Why Do Italian Jews Tolerate Berlusconi's Trivialization of the Holocaust?|Anna Momigliano|November 6, 2013|DAILY BEAST The dispute-resolution process is also too protracted, and the sanctions against offending parties too lenient. The Big Idea: How Commerce Spreads Contagion|Mark Harrison|January 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST Lenine is afraid that the proletariat is too soft-hearted and lenient. For the first time the lenient doctor did not want to relieve pain. A Man of Two Countries|Alice Harriman These audiences were usually large, and far too lenient in the estimation of Tus-ka-sah. The Frontiersmen|Charles Egbert Craddock It is surprising how lenient we can be to the defects or failings of those who minister to our vanity! Grif|B. L. (Benjamin Leopold) Farjeon Elisabeth cheerfully caught at this straw of comfort; she was always ready to take a lenient view of her own shortcomings. The Farringdons|Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler
British Dictionary definitions for lenient
adjectiveshowing or characterized by mercy or tolerance archaic caressing or soothing Derived forms of lenientleniency or lenience, nounleniently, adverbWord Origin for lenientC17: from Latin lēnīre to soothe, from lēnis soft Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to lenientsympathetic, indulgent, compassionate, tolerant, benign, compliant, forgiving, amiable, charitable, clement, complaisant, condoning, easy, easygoing, emollient, forbearing, gentle, good-natured, kind, kindly |