mis·u·ti·li·za·tion,nounnon·u·til·i·za·tion,nounnon·u·til·ized,adjectiveo·ver·u·ti·li·za·tion,nouno·ver·u·ti·lize,verb (used with object),o·ver·u·ti·lized,o·ver·u·ti·liz·ing.pre·u·ti·liz·a·ble,adjectivepre·u·ti·li·za·tion,nounpre·u·ti·lize,verb (used with object),pre·u·ti·lized,pre·u·ti·liz·ing.qua·si-u·ti·lized,adjectivere·u·ti·li·za·tion,nounre·u·ti·lize,verb (used with object),re·u·ti·lized,re·u·ti·liz·ing.un·der·u·ti·lized,adjectiveun·u·ti·liz·a·ble,adjectiveun·u·ti·lized,adjectivewell-u·ti·lized,adjective
use, utilize (see synonym study at use)
Words nearby utilize
utility program, utility room, utility truck, utility wear, utilization review, utilize, ut infra, uti possidetis, utmost, utmost good faith, Utnapishtim
The 2024 landing itself is slated to utilize hardware built by private companies, most notably the lunar lander for taking humans to the surface.
NASA will pay for moon rocks excavated by private companies|Neel Patel|September 10, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Hence, utilizing the avenue of YouTube for your business can be an open-ended option for organizations to help with their marketing and product promotions.
How businesses can use YouTube to tackle the COVID-19 business crisis|Catherrine Garcia|September 7, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Elaine Swann, the founder of The Swann School of Protocol, says guests should utilize RSVP opportunities provided by the couple.
How to turn down a wedding invitation during the coronavirus pandemic|Brooke Henderson|August 23, 2020|Fortune
Healium, founded in 2013, utilizes augmented and virtual reality and wearable technology to enable users to “see their feelings.”
5 companies that want to track your emotions|jakemeth|August 22, 2020|Fortune
For example, 10 Lovelace employees will be audited weekly to verify they are not utilizing ZIP codes or geographic locations to screen or test patients.
Federal Investigation Finds Hospital Violated Patients’ Rights by Profiling, Separating Native Mothers and Newborns|by Bryant Furlow, New Mexico In Depth|August 22, 2020|ProPublica
Nor does the jet have the ability to capture high-definition video, utilize an infra-red pointer.
Pentagon Misfires in Stealth Jet Scandal|Dave Majumdar|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
“If HumaneWatch helps me get where I want to go, then I want to utilize them,” she said.
The Sleazy War on the Humane Society|Center for Public Integrity|August 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Silicon chips are typically two-dimensional, Boahen explained, limiting the number of dedicated currents they can utilize.
The Computer That Replicates a Human Brain|Dale Eisinger|May 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As I was doing at the time, and still do, I utilize what I can of technology.
The Gonzo Artist: Behind Ralph Steadman’s Most Famous Work|Alex Suskind|April 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Inside his slick suits, Colbert possesses every weapon and trick a comedian can utilize.
Yes, Stephen Colbert Will Be Great as Host of CBS’s ‘Late Night’|Pete Dominick|April 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
To seize and master and utilize these energies appeared a thankless job, albeit a necessary one.
Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights|Kelly Miller
Here again the Britishers show their inability to utilize the vehicle to the full of its possibilities.
Europe Revised|Irvin S. Cobb
In order to utilize a current for this purpose, a high ampere flow and low voltage are required.
Electricity for Boys|J. S. Zerbe
This is therefore a very good way in which to utilize small quantities of left-over fruits.
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 5|Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
She was delighted and came to see him more frequently, and then she brought him a hymn-book, so as to utilize his voice.
The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Volume IV (of 8)|Guy de Maupassant