Overall, Manaus’ experience reveals “that an unmitigated outbreak will lead to very significant morbidity and mortality,” says Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at Harvard University, “which is basically what we’ve been saying since February.”
A Brazilian city devastated by COVID-19 may have reached herd immunity|Jonathan Lambert|September 24, 2020|Science News
The cases share a kind of morbidity: A man, eighty, is pronounced dead after thirty minutes of CPR.
Real Life Lazarus: When Patients Rise From the Dead|Sandeep Jauhar|August 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I do agree that mortality isn't everything; morbidity (poor health) matters too.
“Morbidity” vs. “Mortality”: What Is The Difference?In a reflective moment, you might consider your own mortality ... or is it morbidity? The terms have distinct meanings, so you don't want to confuse them.