Whichever way forward works, it needs to happen, so that “liberty and just for all” actually means “all.”
State of LGBT Rights: Married on Sunday, but Fired on Monday|Gene Robinson|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Both are stale and boring, and whichever one you end up having in the end is still unpleasant.
Team Peeta or Team Gale: Why the ‘Hunger Games’ Love Triangle Ruins ‘Mockingjay – Part 1’|Kevin Fallon|November 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Whichever party attacks that problem can help shake us free of our disillusionment with democracy.
What Republicans Need Right Now Is a Good Internal Fight|James Poulos|November 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Whichever of the groups was in power would be marching the other to the gallows.
Saddam’s Former Deputy, the Red Skull of Baghdad, Still at Large in Iraq and Allied With ISIS|Jacob Siegel, Christopher Dickey|July 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Whichever way he goes, the clinging dust is swept from off its surface.
"Wee Tim'rous Beasties"|Douglas English
And if we both survive, the money is paid to whichever of us two kills the Wild Hog of Ghrntah.
Punch's Almanack for 1890|Various
Whichever process is used, the suspected stains are at first carefully separated from the material upon which they are deposited.
Legal Chemistry|A. Naquet
Whichever way I turned my eyes, I saw no avenue by which I might escape.
Wieland; or The Transformation|Charles Brockden Brown
I twitched softly at my wrists, and then at my ankles, but whichever of the two had secured me was no bungler at his work.
The Exploits Of Brigadier Gerard|Arthur Conan Doyle
British Dictionary definitions for whichever
/ (wɪtʃˈɛvə) /
any (one, two, etc, out of several)take whichever car you like
(as pronoun)choose whichever appeals to you
no matter which (one or ones)whichever card you pick you'll still be making a mistake
(as pronoun)it won't make any difference, whichever comes first