[ woh -kuh n ] SHOW IPA
verb a past participle of wake1 .
Words nearby woken Wohlfahrtia, wohlfahrtiosis, wok, wokas, woke, woken , Woking, Wokingham, wokka board, Wolcott, wold
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for woken Cuomo said that passengers were woken up about an hour into the flight when the aircraft began to bounce.
Inside The Ethiopian Airlines Hijacking Terror | Barbie Latza Nadeau| February 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
It is the moment when we are woken from our routine lives by a whisper or explosion, either of which demands ‘Why?’
Why Albert Camus Remains Controversial | Adam Kirsch| October 20, 2013| DAILY BEAST
She kept resisting the command only to be woken up by it yet again.
Why House Stenographer Dianne Reidy Snapped | Michael Daly| October 17, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Emanuel recalls reading to his children and falling asleep before they did, only to be woken by a late night phone call.
The Presidents' Gatekeepers: Review of a New Film about the Chiefs of Staff | Eleanor Clift| September 15, 2013| DAILY BEAST
For a brief moment during the 2011–12 protests it seemed as if Navalny had woken Moscow up.
Alexei Navalny Threatens Russia’s Corrupt Status Quo | Peter Pomerantsev| July 19, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The latter had to keep a light burning and was woken several times in the night by John, who could not sleep.
The Growth of a Soul | August Strindberg
His mouth tasted like it was full of blood still, a taste that was woken up by the wine.
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town | Cory Doctorow
In the early morning I was woken with a crash, and felt a great weight squeezing my whole body, but leaving my head clear.
To Lhassa at Last | Powell Millington
But that would have woken Sisera before she had struck a blow.
The Last Chronicle of Barset | Anthony Trollope
She was the Sleeping Beauty in the wood, who had woken up and remembered nothing, and could never recover from the long trance.
Overlooked | Maurice Baring
British Dictionary definitions for woken verb a past participle of wake 1
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to woken arise, awake, awaken, call, get up, nudge, prod, rise, rise and shine, rouse, shake, stir, stretch, turn out, bestir, bring to life, come to, roll out, wake up, open one's eyes