(used to express the future in past sentences): He said he would go tomorrow.
(used in place of will, to make a statement or form a question less direct or blunt): That would scarcely be fair. Would you be so kind?
(used to express repeated or habitual action in the past): We would visit Grandma every morning up at the farm.
(used to express an intention or inclination): Nutritionists would have us all eat whole grains.
(used to express a wish): Would he were here!
(used to express an uncertainty): It would appear that he is guilty.
(used in conditional sentences to express choice or possibility): They would come if they had the fare. If the temperature were higher, the water would evaporate.
would have,(used with a past participle to express unfulfilled intention or preference): I would have saved you some but Jimmy took it all.
Idioms for would
would like, (used to express desire): I would like to go next year.
would rather. rather (def. 9).
Origin of would
before 900; Middle English, Old English wolde.See will1
words often confused with would
See should.
1. will, would2. should, would (see confusables note at should)
But on Thursday Boxer triggered a Golden State political earthquake, announcing that she would not seek a fifth term in 2016.
The Golden State Preps for the ‘Red Wedding’ of Senate Races|David Freedlander|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
It would became one of the first great mysteries in the United States of America, as it was only then 23 years old.
New York’s Most Tragic Ghost Loves Minimalist Swedish Fashion|Nina Strochlic|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Almost all of the network and cable news channels said that they would not be showing the cartoons either.
Politicians Only Love Journalists When They're Dead|Luke O’Neil|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Why would “they” want to crush him just for attempting to buy something twenty years ago?
Phylicia Rashad and the Cult of Cosby Truthers|Stereo Williams|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Have there been discussions with FX regarding an Archer movie, and how do you think that would play out?
‘Archer’ Creator Adam Reed Spills Season 6 Secrets, From Surreal Plotlines to Life Post-ISIS|Marlow Stern|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The door below it was also open, and with the idea that I would surely find some one there, I walked on up the hall.
In the Fog|Richard Harding Davis
Had Mike not been so assisted he would have been evicted, and there would have been no appeal from it.
Nasby in Exile|David R. Locke
They would even come out and seat themselves on the point of a steep rock by the wayside.
The Chinese Fairy Book|Various
We told the Moros that they would all have to work if the Americans should come.
The Great White Tribe in Filipinia|Paul T. Gilbert
And he asked who would volunteer to follow two leaders in separate lines.
The Later Cave-Men|Katharine Elizabeth Dopp
British Dictionary definitions for would
/ (wʊd, unstressedwəd) /
verb (takes an infinitive without to or an implied infinitive)
used as an auxiliary to form the past tense or subjunctive mood of will 1
(with you, he, she, it, they, or a noun as subject) used as an auxiliary to indicate willingness or desire in a polite mannerwould you help me, please?
used as an auxiliary to describe a past action as being accustomed or habitualevery day we would go for walks