Children play an active part in shaping their social worlds, likely explaining in large part why these particular childhood temperaments were so closely aligned with later personality, the authors suggest.
‘The Origins of You’ explores how kids develop into their adult selves|Bruce Bower|September 16, 2020|Science News
The reasons are when girls stay home they often become victim to childhood marriages.
Malala Yousafzai tells the business community: Education is the best way to guard against future crises|Michal Lev-Ram, writer|September 15, 2020|Fortune
Despite haunting memories of a childhood visit to the boardwalk, Adelaide reluctantly takes her family on a Santa Cruz beach vacation.
FROM THE VAULTS – Straight, but not narrow|Brian T. Carney|September 11, 2020|Washington Blade
In 2018, competitor Lynn Munro brought oatmeal she milled herself and cooked it with water she harvested from the loch at her childhood home.
In Pursuit of the Perfect Bowl of Porridge|Clarissa Wei|September 11, 2020|Eater
Working with child psychologists and childhood development researchers, he wrote the book Design for Play in 1969.
Designing the essential and the unseen|Tate Ryan-Mosley|September 8, 2020|MIT Technology Review
My dad was a sailor, and all through my childhood he was away half of the time at sea, and to an extent I have a similar job.
Belle & Sebastian Aren’t So Shy Anymore|James Joiner|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
But that was probably the least unique thing about her childhood.
Jena Malone’s Long, Strange Trip From Homelessness to Hollywood Stardom|Marlow Stern|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And the actor says his childhood experience plays a critical role in his performance.
After The Fall: Introducing The Anti-Villain|Rich Goldstein|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
My parents are building a mausoleum for themselves in my childhood home.
I’m a Digital Hoarder|Lizzie Crocker|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In doing so, the vice president delighted the audience with a personal anecdote from his childhood as Joey Biden.
Joe Biden: ‘I’ll Kill Your Son’|Olivia Nuzzi|December 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Health in manhood and womanhood depends on how the health is cared for in childhood.
Health Lessons|Alvin Davison
O sacred first illusions of childhood, you are sweeter than a thousand year of fame!
The Delicious Vice|Young E. Allison
What were the chances of her having had smallpox in childhood?
A History of Epidemics in Britain, Volume II (of 2)|Charles Creighton
His childhood and his youth may be considered from his birth till forty years of age.
The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth|Lewis H. Berens
The quietness of everything there frightened me, called up every foolish, childhood fear and superstition.
The Seven-Branched Candlestick|Gilbert W. (Gilbert Wolf) Gabriel
British Dictionary definitions for childhood
/ (ˈtʃaɪldhʊd) /
the condition of being a child; the period of life before puberty