Hurley did not accompany Shackleton on the dash to South Georgia.
Polar Explorer vs. Reality TV Crew: Tim Jarvis in the Footsteps of Shackleton|Darrell Hartman|January 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For Jarvis, however, the only holy presence looking out for them is Shackleton.
Polar Explorer vs. Reality TV Crew: Tim Jarvis in the Footsteps of Shackleton|Darrell Hartman|January 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In ‘Chasing Shackleton’, Tim Jarvis re-enacts a hundred-year-old Antarctic journey using replica gear and clothing.
Polar Explorer vs. Reality TV Crew: Tim Jarvis in the Footsteps of Shackleton|Darrell Hartman|January 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Not unknown in his time, Shackleton was nevertheless not as revered then as he is now.
Polar Explorer vs. Reality TV Crew: Tim Jarvis in the Footsteps of Shackleton|Darrell Hartman|January 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Imperiled as he is, he cannot recreate the tooth-and-nail desperation that fueled Shackleton.
Polar Explorer vs. Reality TV Crew: Tim Jarvis in the Footsteps of Shackleton|Darrell Hartman|January 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"When addressing Mr. Shackleton, call him 'lieutenant,' not 'officer,'" murmured one of the orderlies in her ear.
Uncle Sam's Boys in the Ranks|H. Irving Hancock
Shackleton cast a last glance over the ice towards the Pole, and, sore at heart, gave the order to retreat.
From Pole to Pole|Sven Anders Hedin
Shackleton's description of the conditions at the time of his visit did not seem very promising.
The South Pole, Volumes 1 and 2|Roald Amundsen
Shackleton looked at his friend, and shook his head gravely.
John Ames, Native Commissioner|Bertram Mitford
Thus all through November the Norwegians travelled south, till they reached the vast plateau described by Shackleton.
A Book of Discovery|Margaret Bertha (M. B.) Synge
British Dictionary definitions for Shackleton
/ (ˈʃækəltən) /
Sir Ernest Henry. 1874–1922, British explorer. He commanded three expeditions to the Antarctic (1907–09; 1914–17; 1921–22), during which the south magnetic pole was located (1909)