单词 | chippy |
释义 | chippy1[ chip-ee ] / ˈtʃɪp i / noun, plural chip·pies.Also chippie. Slang.
chipping sparrow. Origin of chippy1An Americanism dating back to 1860–65; chipp(ing sparrow) + -y2; def. 1 apparently derivative of this sense, or from chip2 Words nearby chippyChippewa Falls, Chippeway, chipping, chipping sparrow, chipproof, chippy, chipset, chip shot, chip syringe, chip wagon, Chiquita Definition for chippy (2 of 4)chippy2 [ chip-ee ] / ˈtʃɪp i / noun, plural chip·pies.a chipmunk. Origin of chippy2chip(munk) + -y2 Definition for chippy (3 of 4)chippy3 [ chip-ee ] / ˈtʃɪp i / adjective, chip·pi·er, chip·pi·est.Ice Hockey. using or characterized by aggressive, rough play or commission of fouls: a chippy player; a chippy second period. Canadian. ill-tempered; irritable. Origin of chippy3Both senses were first recorded in 1885–90; chip1 (compare chip on one's shoulder) + -y1 Definition for chippy (4 of 4)chippy4 [ chip-ee ] / ˈtʃɪp i / noun, plural chip·pies.British Informal.a store selling fish and chips: I picked up some takeaway from the local chippy. a carpenter. Origin of chippy4First recorded in 1885–90; chip1 + -y2 Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for chippyBritish Dictionary definitions for chippy (1 of 5)chippy1 / (ˈtʃɪpɪ) / noun plural -piesBritish informal a fish-and-chip shop British and NZ a slang word for carpenter NZ a potato crisp Word Origin for chippyC19: from chip (n) British Dictionary definitions for chippy (2 of 5)chippy2 / (ˈtʃɪpɪ) / adjective -pier or -piestinformal resentful or oversensitive about being perceived as inferiora chippy miner's son Derived forms of chippychippiness, nounWord Origin for chippyC20: from chip (sense 12) British Dictionary definitions for chippy (3 of 5)chippy3 chippie/ (ˈtʃɪpɪ) / noun plural -piesan informal name for chipmunk, chipping sparrow British Dictionary definitions for chippy (4 of 5)chippy4 chippie/ (ˈtʃɪpɪ) / noun plural -piesinformal, mainly US and Canadian a promiscuous woman Word Origin for chippyC19: perhaps from chip (n) British Dictionary definitions for chippy (5 of 5)chippy5 / (ˈtʃɪpɪ) / adjective -pier or -piestbelligerent or touchy Word Origin for chippyC19: from chip (n), sense probably developing from: as dry as a chip of wood, hence irritable, touchy Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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