the quality of being easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, use, or understand:Transportation in boats, land vehicles, and eventually aircraft dramatically increased the accessibility of most locations on the planet.What is most immediately noticeable about the music is its accessibility.
the quality of being usable, reachable, obtainable, etc.: The closeness and accessibility of the Moon allow us to operate there in a way that is not possible with other space destinations.The Open Access policy establishes the company’s expectations relating to the public accessibility of data from research done by staff members or outside contractors.
the quality of being suitable or adapted for use by people with disabilities:Undoubtedly, tourism and travel revenues will come to depend more and more on adequate accessibility as the number of senior and disabled visitors grows in the coming decades.
In your browser, Kibana will be accessible to the localhost port specified.
How SEOs can create a free server log dashboard to better understand incoming traffic to your website|Jean-Christophe Chouinard|August 3, 2020|Search Engine Land
There is no clear indication of when the full data will be accessible again, and any delay in making it public can compromise the efforts of independent trackers trying to measure the extent of the epidemic.
Covid-19 is only the latest public health crisis failing to receive reliable government tracking|Annalisa Merelli|July 17, 2020|Quartz
He no longer tries to keep his own…accessibility...away from himself.
The Stacks: The Eyes of Winter: Paul Newman at 70|Peter Richmond|October 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I think it caused enough debate, reflection, and innovation to create the current state of accessibility, which I love.
15 Years After Napster: How the Music Service Changed the Industry|Alex Suskind|June 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Accessibility to other ways of life was part of the monumental lifestyle shift enabled by the Industrial Revolution.
All Aboard the Orient Express: Looking Back at the Golden Age of Train Travel|Sarah Moroz|April 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Women in Africa and the Middle East are 23 percent less likely than men to have that accessibility.
Bringing Mobile Technology to the World’s Women|Nina Strochlic|September 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST
All the while, Hochsprung maintained an air of accessibility.