单词 | recapitulation |
释义 | recapitulation[ ree-kuh-pich-uh-ley-shuhn ] / ˌri kəˌpɪtʃ əˈleɪ ʃən / SEE SYNONYMS FOR recapitulation ON THESAURUS.COM nounthe act of recapitulating or the state of being recapitulated. a brief review or summary, as of a speech. Biology. the theory that the stages an organism passes through during its embryonic development repeat the evolutionary stages of structural change in its ancestral lineage. Music. the modified restatement of the exposition following the development section in a sonata-form movement. Origin of recapitulation1350–1400; Middle English recapitulacioun<Late Latin recapitulātiōn- (stem of recapitulātiō), equivalent to recapitulāt(us) (see recapitulate) + -iōn--ion OTHER WORDS FROM recapitulationre·ca·pit·u·la·tive, re·ca·pit·u·la·to·ry [ree-kuh-pich-uh-luh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee], /ˌri kəˈpɪtʃ ə ləˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/, adjectiveWords nearby recapitulationrecant, recap, recapitalization, recapitalize, recapitulate, recapitulation, recapitulation theory, recaption, recapture, recarburize, recast Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for recapitulationBritish Dictionary definitions for recapitulationrecapitulation / (ˌriːkəˌpɪtjʊˈleɪʃən) / nounthe act of recapitulating, esp summing up, as at the end of a speech Also called: palingenesis biology the apparent repetition in the embryonic development of an animal of the changes that occurred during its evolutionary historyCompare caenogenesis music the repeating of earlier themes, esp when forming the final section of a movement in sonata form Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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