For six years, our annual Change the World list has been a chronicle of the increasingly creative ways business is tethering profit to purpose.
Fortune launches a new community for leaders who want to change business for good|Ellen McGirt|September 15, 2020|Fortune
We had become increasingly effective and decreasingly creative.
What if Your Company Had No Rules? (Bonus Episode)|Maria Konnikova|September 12, 2020|Freakonomics
Hubert, who played Aunt Viv for three seasons before being replaced by Daphne Maxwell Reid, not only claimed that she had creative differences with Smith but she also alleged she was fired for getting pregnant.
‘Full Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air’ Cast Reunites To Celebrate The Show’s 30th Anniversary|Hope Wright|September 11, 2020|
Everlane later announced that the Chief Creative Officer Alexandra Spunt, who took much of the criticism, would no longer lead the creative team.
Nikola, which went public via a SPAC, is accused of deception|Lucinda Shen|September 11, 2020|Fortune
TikTok’s power goes beyond its democratized, creative essence.
Unpacking the TikTok algorithm: Three reasons why it’s the most addictive social network|Brian Freeman|September 11, 2020|Search Engine Watch
It was his business acumen, his own unflagging zeal for the creative business solution, that had freed Sam to do this.
How Martin Luther King Jr. Influenced Sam Cooke’s ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’|Peter Guralnick|December 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The creative team behind the new My Lai project is working out the details for set design.
The My Lai Massacre Inspires an Opera|Asawin Suebsaeng|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It was creative thinking like this that helped it debut at number one on Billboard Top Heatseekers Chart.
OK Go Is Helping Redefine the Music Video For the Internet Age|Lauren Schwartzberg|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In this day and age, this “help” comes in a variety of forms, from creative writing courses to ghost writers.