[ kuhl -prit ] SHOW IPA
noun a person or other agent guilty of or responsible for an offense or fault.
a person arraigned for an offense.
Origin of culprit 1670–80; traditionally explained as cul (representing Latin culpābilis guilty) + prit (representing Anglo-French prest ready), marking the prosecution as ready to prove the defendant's guilt. See culpable, presto
Words nearby culprit culpa, culpability, culpable, culpable homicide, Culpeper, culprit , cult, cultch, cultellus, cultic, cultigen
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for culprit Gartner cited the pandemic as the primary culprit , due to shelter-in-place rules that resulted in people spending less on mobile devices.
This smartphone maker’s sales dropped the most due to COVID-19 | jonathanvanian2015| August 25, 2020| Fortune
Oh says the main culprit behind the upcoming death of the Hyades is the Milky Way.
Milky Way’s tidal forces are shredding a nearby star cluster | Ken Croswell| August 18, 2020| Science News For Students
As a result, the Deccan Traps still hadn’t been ruled out as the main culprit of the dinos’ die-off.
An asteroid impact, not volcanism, may have made Earth unlivable for dinosaurs | Megan Sever| July 17, 2020| Science News
So even though much of the evidence so far points to the impact as the mass extinction culprit , uncertainty still lingers.
An asteroid impact, not volcanism, may have made Earth unlivable for dinosaurs | Megan Sever| July 17, 2020| Science News
Now, a global inventory of methane sources reveals the major culprit s behind rising methane pollution in the 21st century.
Agriculture and fossil fuels are driving record-high methane emissions | Maria Temming| July 14, 2020| Science News
Plus there is another problem that the viruses pose—the problem that apparently is the culprit this year—they evolve.
When You Get the Flu This Winter, You Can Blame Anti-Vaxxers | Kent Sepkowitz| January 1, 2015| DAILY BEAST
The other culprit , of course, is the one misanthropic jerk who reported “several hundred” names to the Facebook robot.
Facebook Apologizes For, but Doesn’t Retract, Discriminatory ‘Real Name’ Policy | Jay Michaelson| October 1, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Personally, I support their efforts to find the culprit or the culprit s.
Vilified Bitcoin Tycoon After Losing $500 Million: My Life Is at Risk | Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky| September 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
For me, it took the Sleeprate to show that daytime stress was the likely culprit of morning drowsiness.
How I Finally Got to the Bottom of My Insomnia | Gregory Ferenstein| June 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The culprit was a “highly protective” mother bear out foraging with her three cubs.
In Florida, Sprawling Humans Confront the Bears Who Lived There First | Jacqui Goddard| March 22, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Mr. Hunt was annoyed with and sorry for the culprit , yet he could not help smiling at this high-flown generosity of confidence.
Mrs. Waterman renewed her attack, drawing nearer to the culprit .
Otherwise Phyllis | Meredith Nicholson
She looked out of the window, and pretended not to notice that the culprit had addressed his remark to her.
The Grey Lady | Henry Seton Merriman
I seldom have to punish any one, and when I do it hurts me more than the culprit .
Uncle Terry | Charles Clark Munn
It was a fine simulation of outraged discipline, and so life-like that when he spoke of a 232court martial, the culprit weakened.
The Missourian | Eugene P. (Eugene Percy) Lyle
British Dictionary definitions for culprit noun law a person awaiting trial, esp one who has pleaded not guilty
the person responsible for a particular offence, misdeed, etc
Word Origin for culprit C17: from Anglo-French cul-, short for culpable guilty + prit ready, indicating that the prosecution was ready to prove the guilt of the one charged
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to culprit miscreant, offender, fugitive, felon, wrongdoer, criminal, malefactor, delinquent, evildoer, rascal, convict, con, jailbird, transgressor, yardbird, sinner