The friendly aura vanished, her eyes dead, voice robotic and confident she was correct.
Jeopardy! Champion Julia Collins’s Brain Feels Like Mush|Sujay Kumar|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The research will be used to make advances in robotic technology and facilitate smoother interactions between humans and robots.
Japan's Robots Are Reading Your Emotions|Angela Erika Kubo, Jake Adelstein|August 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But what is the end game here, and what are the unintended consequences of imbuing a robotic device with cuteness?
Does a Robot Need to Be Cute?|Annabelle Gurwitch|June 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The U.S. Air Force boosted the robotic X-37B atop the nose of an Atlas-5 rocket in December 2012.
Will The Pentagon’s Secret Space Plane Ever Return to Earth?|Kyle Mizokami|April 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Additionally, many surgeons are not approved to perform da Vinci robotic single-site hysterectomies.
A New Hysterectomy Procedure Eliminates Massive Scarring and Long Recovery Time. So Why Aren’t More Doctors On Board?|Heather Wilson|March 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It sounded a little infantile, but he was pretty sure none of those present had any sound knowledge of robotic intelligence.
The Velvet Glove|Harry Harrison
There was a lot of cybernetic and robotic equipment, and astrogational equipment, that had to be made from scratch.
The Cosmic Computer|Henry Beam Piper
Steel and electrons and wires and robotic brains were inflexible.
There Will Be School Tomorrow|V. E. Thiessen
Robotic systems are an important area of consideration within Rapid Dominance.
Shock and Awe|Harlan K. Ullman
Centuries before smart weapons and robotic systems, this reasoning was understood intuitively.