He also argued that the board delegated administrative authority to his office years ago.
Morning Report: New Ethics Concerns for City Council Candidate|Voice of San Diego|September 3, 2020|Voice of San Diego
In fact, a study by OfficeTeam, an administrative staffing company, found that 56 percent of employees who can take an hour for lunch actually take less than 30 minutes—and almost one-third admit to working while they eat.
Eight ways that taking a real lunch break can improve your work (and life)|By Quinn Fish/Working Mother|September 1, 2020|Popular Science
It is good advice, SEOs should look to automate reporting, billing and other administrative tasks when possible.
Video: Pam Auugst on SEO automation & XML sitemaps|Barry Schwartz|August 24, 2020|Search Engine Land
The University of California, San Diego, is a major employer in the region with thousands of administrative staff.
We’re Suing for COVID-19 Data|Scott Lewis and Jesse Marx|August 14, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Cosgrove had been put on paid administrative leave as his role in the shooting was investigated by his department, and returned to the department after the investigation closed.
Police Officers Accused Of Brutal Violence Often Have A History Of Complaints By Citizens|LGBTQ-Editor|June 1, 2020|No Straight News
Cases of non-Palestinians like Livvix being held in administrative detention are rare.
The Strange Case of the Christian Zionist Terrorist|Creede Newton|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The decision went to court, an administrative hearing that went on for almost a year.
Psychedelics Are Ready for a Comeback|Abby Haglage|September 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Two tribal members were shot and hospitalized and the agent who shot them was put on administrative leave.
A Shooting on a Tribal Land Uncovers Feds Running Wild|Caitlin Dickson|August 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the next seven days, Flores-Williams will be filing an administrative appeal to have Sisley reinstated.
Why Did America’s Only Pot Researcher Suddenly Get Fired?|Abby Haglage|July 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Now the government has the power to declare an organization a foreign agent as an administrative matter.
Homophobia in Russia Is Taking a Kafkaesque Turn|Jay Michaelson|June 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The new imperial administrative officers, employed not only in collecting taxes, but in administrative business of every kind.
The Student's Companion to Latin Authors|George Middleton
Cuvier, Siméon, and Allent were the constant defenders of traditional and administrative influence.
Memoirs To Illustrate The History Of My Time|Franois Pierre Guillaume Guizot
Officers of the administrative departments would in this case make their usual returns and reports to their chiefs in Washington.
The Life of Isaac Ingalls Stevens, Volume I (of 2)|Hazard Stevens
When the population of a town falls below a certain figure the administrative system is no longer the same.
Sons of the Soil|Honore de Balzac
Speech delivered at the meeting of the Administrative Reform Association.