[ sem -uh -nohl ] SHOW IPA
noun, plural Sem·i·noles, (especially collectively ) Sem·i·nole. a member of any of several groupings of North American Indians comprising emigrants from the Creek Confederacy territories to Florida or their descendants in Florida and Oklahoma, especially the culturally conservative present-day Florida Indians.
either of the Muskogean languages spoken by the Seminoles, comprising Mikasuki and the Florida or Seminole dialect of Creek.
adjective of or relating to the Seminoles or their languages.
Origin of Seminole earlier Seminolie <Creek simanó·li wild, runaway, alteration of earlier and dial. simaló·ni <American Spanish cimarrón; see maroon2
Words nearby Seminole seminiferous, seminiferous epithelium, seminiferous tubule, seminiferous tubule dysgenesis, seminivorous, Seminole , Seminoles, Seminole Wars, seminoma, seminuria, semiochemical
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Seminole Six female jurors sitting at Seminole County Criminal Justice Center in Sanford took more than 16 hours to decide their verdict.
George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty; Looks Forward to 'Getting His Life Back' | Jacqui Goddard| July 14, 2013| DAILY BEAST
They took the woman into custody around 3:30 p.m. “where she was residing in Seminole County,” according to the statement.
George Zimmerman’s Wife Arrested for Allegedly Hiding Knowledge of Online Account | Matthew DeLuca| June 13, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Reporters seeking copies from the Seminole County court clerk were turned down on account of the order.
Zimmerman’s Lawyers Ask Judge to Recuse Herself, Records Sealed | Aram Roston| April 17, 2012| DAILY BEAST
The opponents prominently included Norman Wolfinger, the state attorney for Seminole and Brevard counties.
New Sanford, Fla., Case Asks, Just When Can You Stand Your Ground? | Michael Daly| March 28, 2012| DAILY BEAST
At the Seminole County Court, the Stakes case was recorded as Number 52012mm00266A.
New Sanford, Fla., Case Asks, Just When Can You Stand Your Ground? | Michael Daly| March 28, 2012| DAILY BEAST
The last rite paid to the Seminole dead is at the end of four moons.
The Seminole Indians of Florida | Clay MacCauley
It is, however, deserving of mention that the Seminole have around their houses at least a thousand banana plants.
The Seminole Indians of Florida | Clay MacCauley
There are several Seminole families in which duogamy exists.
The Seminole Indians of Florida | Clay MacCauley
What wonder if the soft, musical tongue of the Seminole had come lightly to her lips?
Diane of the Green Van | Leona Dalrymple
The ending of the Seminole War was the signing of a treaty by the older chiefs agreeing to remove west of the Mississippi.
America, Volume II (of 6) | Joel Cook
British Dictionary definitions for Seminole noun plural -noles or -nole a member of a North American Indian people consisting of Creeks who moved into Florida in the 18th century
the language of this people, belonging to the Muskhogean family
Word Origin for Seminole from Creek simanó-li fugitive, from American Spanish cimarrón runaway
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012