[ ahn-sahm -buh l, -sahmb ; French ahn -sahn -bluh ] SHOW IPA
/ ɑnˈsɑm bəl, -ˈsɑmb; French ɑ̃ˈsɑ̃ blə / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun, plural en·sem·bles [ahn-sahm -sahm -buh lz, -sahmbz ; French ahn -sahn -bluh ]. /ɑnˈsɑmˈsɑm bəlz, -ˈsɑmbz; French ɑ̃ˈsɑ̃ blə /. all the parts of a thing taken together, so that each part is considered only in relation to the whole.
the entire costume of an individual, especially when all the parts are in harmony: She was wearing a beautiful ensemble by one of the French designers.
a set of furniture.
Music . the united performance of an entire group of singers, musicians, etc. the group so performing: a string ensemble. a group of supporting entertainers, as actors, dancers, and singers, in a theatrical production.
Origin of ensemble 1740–50; <French: together <Latin insimul, equivalent to in- in-2 + simul together; see simultaneous
SYNONYMS FOR ensemble 1 totality, entirety, aggregate.
Words nearby ensemble ensample, ensanguine, Enschede, ensconce, enscroll, ensemble , ensemble acting, Ensenada, ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem, ensepulcher, enserf
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for ensemble While Malkovich was an ensemble member of the Steppenwolf Theater Company, Miller was enlisted to photograph the cast.
The Man Behind Marilyn Malkovich | Justin Jones| October 2, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And Olivia Palermo weds in three-piece Carolina Herrera ensemble .
Sky Ferreira Defends Terry Richardson; Angel Haze & Ireland Baldwin Confirm Relationship | The Fashion Beast Team| June 30, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Fortunately for Williams, he “fell in love with the ensemble immediately.”
Broadway’s Rebel, Tellin’ You to Hear It: A Portrait of Saul Williams | Alex Suskind| June 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
It is often compared to the Wars of the Roses and its ensemble cast of villains, bunglers, and occasional heroes.
The ‘GOT’ Red Viper and Mountain Duel, and a History of Medieval Trial by Combat | Steven Isaac| June 3, 2014| DAILY BEAST
They wanted an ensemble cast rather than a show driven by a few stars.
New York’s Greatest Show Or How They Did Not Screw Up ‘Guys and Dolls’ | Ross Wetzsteon| April 6, 2014| DAILY BEAST
They do not realize the value of ensemble work and its influence as an educational factor of the greatest artistic value.
Violin Mastery | Frederick H. Martens
I consider the ensemble singing in schools as ruinous to good voices.
Stars of the Opera | Mabel Wagnalls
But it does not take him long to note the absence of wide boulevards and the lack of ensemble in the cityscape.
Paris Vistas | Helen Davenport Gibbons
I shall only try to compile an ensemble of concise and very precise notions and statements bearing upon this vast subject.
The French Impressionists (1860-1900) | Camille Mauclair
Not only in its details should education proceed from the simple to the complex, but in its ensemble also.
Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects | Herbert Spencer
British Dictionary definitions for ensemble / (ɒnˈsɒmbə l , French ɑ̃sɑ̃blə ) /
noun all the parts of something considered together and in relation to the whole
a person's complete costume; outfit
the cast of a play other than the principals; supporting players (as modifier ) an ensemble role music a group of soloists singing or playing together (as modifier ) an ensemble passage music the degree of precision and unity exhibited by a group of instrumentalists or singers performing together the ensemble of the strings is good
the general or total effect of something made up of individual parts
physics a set of systems (such as a set of collections of atoms) that are identical in all respects apart from the motions of their constituents a single system (such as a collection of atoms) in which the properties are determined by the statistical behaviour of its constituents SEE MORE SEE LESS adjective (of a film or play) involving several separate but often interrelated story lines ensemble comedy drama
involving no individual star but several actors whose roles are of equal importance fine ensemble playing
Word Origin for ensemble C15: from French: together, from Latin insimul, from in- ² + simul at the same time
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to ensemble chorus, trio, cast, orchestra, band, troupe, assemblage, quintet, sextet, choir, quartet, garb, costume, suit, altogether, gathering, set, group, composite, sum