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[ ik-skleym ] / ɪkˈskleɪm / SEE SYNONYMS FOR exclaim ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used without object)to cry out or speak suddenly and vehemently, as in surprise, strong emotion, or protest. verb (used with object)to cry out; say loudly or vehemently. Origin of exclaim1560–70; earlier exclame<Latin exclāmāre to cry out. See ex-1, claim SYNONYMS FOR exclaim1, 2 shout, proclaim, vociferate; yell, shriek, scream, holler, howl. SEE SYNONYMS FOR exclaim ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM exclaimex·claim·er, nounun·ex·claim·ing, adjectiveWords nearby exclaimexcitonics, excitor, excitoreflex nerve, excitor nerve, excl., exclaim, exclam., exclamation, exclamation mark, exclamation point, exclamatory Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for exclaimWith the spoken word, we use our tone, inflection and volume to question, exclaim and convey our feelings. The Rise and Fall of the Infamous SarcMark|Keith Houston|September 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST They give him a sandwich, begin driving away, and the man slips back into his Walt Jr. voice to exclaim: "Have an A-1 day!" ‘Homeless’ Man Does Amazing ‘Breaking Bad’ Impressions—But Is It a Viral Stunt?|Brian Ries|September 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST So for Warren to exclaim that Rwandans have “figured out a way for people to live together in reconciliation” is, at best, naïve. Rick Warren’s Troubling Africa Mission|Jay Michaelson|September 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST When they're being cast out, he said, they exclaim, "It burns." The Shame of an Exorcist Admitting Violation of Chastity|Michelle Goldberg|February 2, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Have you never heard them exclaim: 'Yonder is a great monument! Sister Dolorosa and Posthumous Fame|James Lane Allen Sister Elizabeth was standing beside her and heard her exclaim, "I am wounded; hold me tight." A Survivor's Recollections of the Whitman Massacre|Matilda Sager He was then heard repeatedly to exclaim: "Alas, the sinners will kill the sinner." The Life of Blessed John B. Marie Vianney, Cur of Ars|Anonymous But presently, a loud and furious hiss Caused me to stop, and to exclaim, "What's this?" The Book of Humorous Verse|Various With Macbeth, I am ready to exclaim, “May that pernicious hour stand aye accursed in the calendar!” A Five Years' Residence in Buenos Ayres|George Thomas Love
British Dictionary definitions for exclaim
verbto cry out or speak suddenly or excitedly, as from surprise, delight, horror, etc Derived forms of exclaimexclaimer, nounWord Origin for exclaimC16: from Latin exclāmāre, from clāmāre to shout Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to exclaimblurt, proclaim, assert, shout, utter, yell, call out, bellow, ejaculate, figure, roar, cry, vociferate, emit, state, call, holler, yawp, declare, burst out |