By diversifying the supply from third countries and developing the EU’s own capacity for extraction, processing, recycling, refining, and separation of rare earths, we can become more resilient and sustainable.
Europe relies on foreign raw materials to power its green and digital future. Now it wants to mine them at home|David Meyer|September 3, 2020|Fortune
In places from Appalachian coal country to western oil and gas towns, the outdoor industry was supposed to be a sustainable alternative to extraction.
The Recreation Economy Isn't As Resilient As We Thought|Heather Hansman|August 29, 2020|Outside Online
An hour south of Fruita, in another western Colorado town that’s moved away from extraction, a more diverse outdoor economy has held up.
The Recreation Economy Isn't As Resilient As We Thought|Heather Hansman|August 29, 2020|Outside Online
Machine learning extends the tech industry’s broader priorities, which center on scale and extraction.
Participation-washing could be the next dangerous fad in machine learning|Amy Nordrum|August 25, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Among other things, he said that the extraction of the T-cells and the genetic alternation process can be done through machines in an automated process that can lower costs.
FDA approves human trial for treatment to cure HIV|Lou Chibbaro Jr.|August 17, 2020|Washington Blade
Ibrahim made clear to Deputy Dennis Meyer that his daughter was a respectful and dutiful girl of Sudanese extraction.
How ISIS’s Colorado Girls Were Caught|Michael Daly|October 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Many of the others who did the same were also men of Italian extraction.
How Brooklyn’s First Ice Cream Girl Fought City Hall–and Won|Michael Daly|October 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Basically any quality of weed will do, since the extraction of THC is the point and not the flavor or loftiness of effect.
This Is Your E-Cigarette on Drugs|Daniel Genis|July 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Never mind that Sokolich is actually of Croatian extraction.
In New Jersey, There’s No Exit for Chris Christie’s Bridge Trolls|Michael Daly|January 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Records of extraction of the element reach back to the 12th century.
Wieliczka Salt Mine Is an Incredible Polish Underground Amusement Park|Nina Strochlic|November 14, 2013|DAILY BEAST
This, then, is the man who has undertaken to crush my friend Lecour on the question of extraction!
The False Chevalier|William Douw Lighthall
In this process the bones are washed and cleansed and then immediately subjected to extraction with water.
Animal Proteins|Hugh Garner Bennett
It is not impossible that the extraction of teeth was sometimes destined to produce effects of this sort.
The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life|Emile Durkheim
His family was an ancient and noble one, enjoying the title of count, and is said to have been of Languedocian extraction.