to drop or descend under the force of gravity, as to a lower place through loss or lack of support.
to come or drop down suddenly to a lower position, especially to leave a standing or erect position suddenly, whether voluntarily or not:to fall on one's knees.
to become less or lower; become of a lower level, degree, amount, quality, value, number, etc.; decline: The temperature fell ten degrees. Stock prices fell to a new low for the year.
to subside or abate.
extend downward; hang down: Her hair falls to her shoulders.
to become lowered or directed downward, as the eyes: My eyes fell before his steady gaze.
to become lower in pitch or volume: Her voice fell, and she looked about in confusion.
to succumb to temptation or sin, especially to become unchaste or to lose one's innocence.
to lose status, dignity, position, character, etc.
to succumb to attack: The city fell to the enemy.
to be overthrown, as a government.
to drop down wounded or dead, especially to be slain: to fall in battle.
to pass into some physical, mental, or emotional condition: to fall asleep; to fall in love.
to envelop or come as if by dropping, as stillness or night.
to issue forth: Witty remarks fall easily from his lips.
to come by lot or chance: The chore fell to him.
to come by chance into a particular position: to fall among thieves.
to come to pass, occur, or become at a certain time: Christmas falls on a Monday this year. The rent falls due the first of every month.
to have its proper place: The accent falls on the last syllable.
to come by right: The inheritance fell to the only living relative.
to be naturally divisible (usually followed by into): The story fell into two distinct parts.
to lose animation; appear disappointed, as the face: His face fell when he heard the bad news.
to slope or extend in a downward direction: The field falls gently to the river.
to be directed, as light, sight, etc., on something: His eyes fell upon the note on the desk.
to collapse, as through weakness, damage, poor construction, or the like; topple or sink: The old tower fell under its own weight. The cake fell when he slammed the oven door.
(of an animal, especially a lamb) to be born: Two lambs fell yesterday.
verb (used with object),fell,fall·en,fall·ing.
to fell (a tree, animal, etc.).
an act or instance of falling or dropping from a higher to a lower place or position.
that which falls or drops: a heavy fall of rain.
the season of the year that comes after summer and before winter; autumn.
a becoming less; a lowering or decline; a sinking to a lower level: the fall of the Roman Empire.
the distance through which anything falls: It is a long fall to the ground from this height.
Usually falls . a cataract or waterfall.
downward slope or declivity: the gentle rise and fall of the meadow.
a falling from an erect position, as to the ground: to have a bad fall.
a hanging down: a fall of long hair.
a succumbing to temptation; lapse into sin.
the Fall, (sometimes lowercase)Theology. the lapse of human beings into a state of natural or innate sinfulness through the sin of Adam and Eve.
Slang. an arrest by the police.
surrender or capture, as of a city.
proper place: the fall of an accent on a syllable.
an act or instance of holding or forcing an opponent's shoulders against the mat for a specified length of time.
a match or division of a match.
a hairpiece consisting of long hair that is attached to one's own hair at the crown and usually allowed to hang freely down the back of the head so as to cover or blend with the natural hair.
an opaque veil hanging loose from the back of a hat.
falling band.
a decorative cascade of lace, ruffles, or the like.
Machinery, Nautical. the part of the rope of a tackle to which the power is applied in hoisting.
Hunting. a deadfall.
the long soft hair that hangs over the forehead and eyes of certain terriers.
Armor. a pivoted peak projecting over the face opening of a burgonet.
Astrology. the sign of the zodiac in which the most negative influence of a planet is expressed (opposed to exaltation def. 5).
Mining. rock or ore that has collapsed from a roof, hanging wall, or the sides of a passage.
Verb Phrases
fall away,
to withdraw support or allegiance: The candidate's supporters fell away when he advocated racial discrimination.
to become lean or thin; diminish; decline.
to forsake one's faith, cause, or principles: Many fell away because they were afraid of reprisals.
fall back,to give way; recede; retreat: The relentless shelling forced the enemy to fall back.
fall back on / upon
Also fall back to .to retreat to: They fell back on their entrenchments. The troops fell back to their original position.
to have recourse to; rely on: They had no savings to fall back on.
fall behind,
to lag, in pace or progress: We are falling behind in our work. Fatigued, some of the marchers fell behind.
to fail to pay (a debt, obligation, etc.) at the appointed time: She fell behind in her tax payments, and the property was confiscated.
fall down,Informal. to perform disappointingly; to disappoint; fail: He was doing well on the exam until he fell down on the last essay question.
fall for,Slang.
to be deceived by: Imagine falling for such an old trick.
to fall in love with: He's not at all the type you would expect her to fall for.
fall in,
to fall to pieces toward the interior; sink inward.
to take one's place in the ranks, as a soldier.
Also fall in with .to become acquainted with, especially by chance: We fell in with an interesting couple from Paris.
fall off,
to separate from; withdraw.
to decrease in number, amount, or intensity; diminish: Tourism falls off when the summer is over. deviate from the heading; fall to leeward.
South Midland and Southern lose weight, usually due to illness: She was sick all winter and fell off till she was just skin and bones.
fall on / upon
to assault; attack: The enemy fell on them suddenly from the rear.
to be the obligation of: It has fallen on me to support the family.
to experience; encounter: Once well-to-do, they had fallen on hard times.
to chance upon; come upon: I fell upon the idea while looking through a magazine.
fall out,
to quarrel; disagree: We fell out over who was to wash the dishes.
to happen; occur: It fell out that we met by chance weeks later.
to leave one's place in the ranks, as a soldier: They were ordered to fall out when the parade ended. burst out laughing.
South Midland and Southern become unconscious; pass out.
fall through,to come to nothing; fail of realization: Despite all his efforts, the deal fell through.
fall to,
to apply oneself; begin: to fall to work.
to begin to eat: They fell to and soon finished off the entire turkey.
fall under,
to be the concern or responsibility of.
to be classified as; be included within: That case falls under the heading of errors of judgment.
Idioms for fall
fall all over oneself, to show unusual or excessive enthusiasm or eagerness, especially in the hope of being favored or rewarded: The young trainees fell all over themselves to praise the boss's speech.Also fall over oneself .
fall / come short. short (def. 44).
fall foul / afoul of. foul (def. 38).
fall off the roof, Slang: Older Use. to menstruate.
fall / land on one's feet. feet (def. 3).
fall out of bed, to get out of bed quickly.
fall over backward(s),
bend1 (def. 21).
to exhibit great eagerness, especially in pursuit of one's own advantage: The candidate fell over backward in support of the issues that would win votes.
Origin of fall
before 900; Middle English fallen,Old English feallan; cognate with German fallen,Old Norse falla; akin to Lithuanian pùlti to fall
Words nearby fall
Falkenhayn, Falkirk, Falkland Islands, Falkland Islands Dependencies, Falkner, fall, fal la, fall about, fallacious, fallacy, fallacy of composition
Definition for fall (2 of 2)
[ fawl ]
/ fɔl /
Albert Bacon, 1861–1944, U.S. politician: senator 1912–21; secretary of the Interior 1921–23; convicted in Teapot Dome scandal.
Since the 1980s, fall weather has made California increasingly prone to fire.
What wildfires in Brazil, Siberia, and the US West have in common|Lili Pike|September 17, 2020|Vox
Check out all of our helpful tricks and tips at the link below or read on for some activity-specific advice sure to get you and your family moving outside and enjoying the rest of the fall.
Three Family-Friendly Adventures to Try This Fall|Outside Editors|September 17, 2020|Outside Online
British higher education had feared a sharp fall in admissions this fall.
UK Universities Predicted a COVID-19 Crash. They Got the Opposite|Fiona Zublin|September 17, 2020|Ozy
Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company is entering fall with a virtual audio production.
D.C. theater scene adapts with films, concerts, and more|Patrick Folliard|September 17, 2020|Washington Blade
We spoke with Hausmann in the fall of 2019, so he was talking about the end of that year.
Does Anyone Really Know What Socialism Is? (Ep. 408 Rebroadcast)|Stephen J. Dubner|September 17, 2020|Freakonomics
Cassandra, whose hair has already begun to fall out from her court-mandated chemotherapy, could face a similar outcome.
Should Teens Have The Right To Die?|Brandy Zadrozny|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
According to the USDA, student participation began to fall, with 1.4 million students opting out of the lunch program entirely.
The Republican War on Kale|Patricia Murphy|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
And that means they also fall under the umbrella of programs most likely to get the axe when state and federal budgets are tight.
How to Solve the Policing Crisis|Keli Goff|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
I fall back into a dream and then suddenly there is a tapping on the window just above my bed.
The Story Behind Lee Marvin’s Liberty Valance Smile|Robert Ward|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Some contemporary police have military backgrounds to fall back on.
A Veteran’s View: NYC Cold War Between Cops and City Hall|Matt Gallagher|December 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I see it at once, I replied, but that heavy charge must fall on some other body.
Harmonies of Political Economy|Frdric Bastiat
Without looking up, or changing his tone, he asked the child if she had had a fall since the cast had been changed.
An American Suffragette|Isaac N. Stevens
The volume of the Rjukan fall is enormous, its height very considerable, and its roar deafening.
Ticket No. "9672"|Jules Verne
In an instant the whips ceased to fall and the man with the dead soul saw all the Earth before him—and understood.
The City and the World and Other Stories|Francis Clement Kelley
She spied the sword, picked it up, and seeing the blood, let it fall again with her hands thrown wide.
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. XII (of 25)|Robert Louis Stevenson
to descend by the force of gravity from a higher to a lower place
to drop suddenly from an erect position
to collapse to the ground, esp in pieces
to become less or lower in number, quality, etcprices fell in the summer
to become lower in pitch
to extend downwardsher hair fell to her waist
to be badly wounded or killed
to slope in a downward direction
Christianityto yield to temptation or sin
to diminish in status, estimation, etc
to yield to attackthe city fell under the assault
to lose powerthe government fell after the riots
to pass into or take on a specified conditionto fall asleep; fall in love
to adopt a despondent expressionher face fell
to be avertedher gaze fell
to come by chance or presumptionsuspicion fell on the butler
to occur; take placenight fell; Easter falls early this year
(of payments) to be due
to be directed to a specific point
(foll by back, behind, etc) to move in a specified direction
to occur at a specified placethe accent falls on the last syllable
(foll by to)to return (to); be inherited (by)the estate falls to the eldest son
(often foll by into, under, etc) to be classified or includedthe subject falls into two main areas
to issue fortha curse fell from her lips
(of animals, esp lambs) to be born
Britishdialectto become pregnant
(tr)Australian and NZdialectto fell (trees)
cricket(of a batsman's wicket) to be taken by the bowling sidethe sixth wicket fell for 96
archaicto begin to dofall a-doing; fall to doing
fall flatto fail to achieve a desired effect
fall foul of
to come into conflict with
nauticalto come into collision with
fall short
to prove inadequate
(often foll by of)to fail to reach or measure up to (a standard)
an act or instance of falling
something that fallsa fall of snow
the distance that something fallsa hundred-foot fall
a sudden drop from an upright position
(often plural)
a waterfall or cataract
(capital when part of a name)Niagara Falls
a downward slope or decline
a decrease in value, number, etc
a decline in status or importance
a moral lapse or failing
a capture or overthrowthe fall of the city
a long false hairpiece; switch
a piece of loosely hanging material, such as a veil on a hat
machinerynauticalthe end of a tackle to which power is applied to hoist it
nauticalone of the lines of a davit for holding, lowering, or raising a boat
Also called: pinfallwrestlinga scoring move, pinning both shoulders of one's opponent to the floor for a specified period
another word for deadfall
(as modifier)a fall trap
the birth of an animal
the animals produced at a single birth
take the fallslang, mainlyUSto be blamed, punished, or imprisoned
See also fall about, fall among, fall apart, fall away, fall back, fall behind, fall down, fall for, fall in, fall off, fall on, fallout, fall over, fall through, fall to
Word Origin for fall
Old English feallan; related to Old Norse falla, Old Saxon, Old High German fallan to fall; see fell ²
British Dictionary definitions for fall (2 of 2)
/ (fɔːl) /
the FalltheolAdam's sin of disobedience and the state of innate sinfulness ensuing from this for himself and all mankindSee also original sin
Fall Once Had A Different NameWe may now call it "fall," but once upon a time, the season that falls between summer and winter had another, just as fitting, name.