[ slap ] SHOW IPA
noun a sharp blow or smack, especially with the open hand or with something flat.
a sound made by or as if by such a blow or smack: the slap of the waves against the dock.
a sharply worded or sarcastic rebuke or comment.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object), slapped, slap·ping. to strike sharply, especially with the open hand or with something flat.
to bring (the hand, something flat, etc.) with a sharp blow against something.
to dash or cast forcibly: He slapped the package against the wall.
to put or place promptly and sometimes haphazardly (often followed by on ): The officer slapped a ticket on the car. He slapped mustard on the sandwich.
SEE MORE SEE LESS adverb Informal . directly; straight; smack: The tug rammed slap into the side of the freighter.
Verb Phrases slap down, to subdue, especially by a blow or by force; suppress. to reject, oppose, or criticize sharply: to slap down dissenting voices. SEE MORE DEFINITIONS SEE FEWER DEFINITIONS
Idioms for slapslap on the wrist , relatively mild criticism or censure: He got away with a slap on the wrist.
Origin of slap 1 First recorded in 1625–35, slap is from the Low German word slapp, slappe; of expressive origin
synonym study for slap 1 . See blow1 .
OTHER WORDS FROM slap slapper, noun Words nearby slap slant height, slant-in, slant rhyme, slant-top, slantwise, slap , slap-bang, slap bass, slapdash, slap dashing, slap down
Definition for slap (2 of 2) [ slap ] SHOW IPA
Scot. noun a gap or opening, as in a fence, wall, cloud bank, or line of troops.
a mountain pass.
a wound or gash.
verb (used with object), slapped, slap·ping. to make a gap or opening in; breach.
Origin of slap 2 1325–75; Middle English slop <Middle Dutch or Middle Low German; cognate with German Schlupf hiding place
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for slap As expected, the force of its slap onto the liquid’s surface caused particles of the cornstarch to jam into each another.
Physicists foil classic oobleck science trick | Emily Conover| June 9, 2020| Science News For Students
You could just slap it into their account and it would be a non-event.
Why Is This Man Running for President? (Ep. 362 Update) | Stephen J. Dubner| December 19, 2019| Freakonomics
So we slap ped economic sanctions on the country of Iraq, an oil-producing country, cutting off virtually all of its oil, starting in 1990.
Speak Softly and Carry Big Data (Ep. 395) | Stephen J. Dubner| October 31, 2019| Freakonomics
We quickly, in Photoshop, took two of the photos of the architects’ heads and slap ped them on wrestlers’ bodies.
How to Make Meetings Less Terrible (Ep. 389) | Stephen J. Dubner| September 19, 2019| Freakonomics
Up and down the plane I heard the slap of blinders yanked down over the windows while the rest of us eagerly took in the view.
The Life and Hard Times Of The Family A Cuban Defector Left Behind | Brin-Jonathan Butler| December 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
“Now get on your knees and crawl,” he demanded with the slap of a leather horse crop against the palm of his hand.
Whip It: Secrets of a Dominatrix | Justin Jones| November 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
While that might just seem like a slap on the wrist compared to the cost of insurance, the penalty increases every year.
Think You’re Invincible? Here’s Why Open Enrollment Matters | DailyBurn| November 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Queen Raina of Jordan also spoke, calling the refugee crisis in Syria “a slap in the face of humanity.”
Ebola and America’s Childish Narcissism | Michael Tomasky| October 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Sometimes a great movie line has the impact of a slap in the face.
What Was Bogey Thinking When He Said ‘Here’s Looking At You, Kid’? | Lewis Beale| September 27, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The first greeting of one amazon to the other is to slap her face.
The Adventures of Uncle Jeremiah and Family at the Great Fair | Charles McCellan Stevens (AKA 'Quondam')
Listen, babe, don't get high-hat with me or I'll slap you down.
Hooded Detective, Volume III No. 2, January, 1942 | Various
None ever passed it without testing the material with its teeth or giving it a slap with its paw.
My Attainment of the Pole | Frederick A. Cook
While in this position he was suddenly aroused by a slap on the back.
The Cash Boy | Horatio Alger Jr.
Could it be that the slap I heard was from the other side, or had it been a free fight?
Phemie Frost's Experiences | Ann S. Stephens
British Dictionary definitions for slap noun a sharp blow or smack, as with the open hand, something flat, etc
the sound made by or as if by such a blow
a sharp rebuke; reprimand
a bit of slap and tickle or slap and tickle British informal sexual play
a slap in the face an insult or rebuff
a slap on the back congratulation
a slap on the wrist a light punishment or reprimand
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb slaps , slapping or slapped (tr) to strike (a person or thing) sharply, as with the open hand or something flat
(tr) to bring down (the hand, something flat, etc) sharply
(when intr, usually foll by against ) to strike (something) with or as if with a slap
(tr) informal , mainly British to apply in large quantities, haphazardly, etc she slapped butter on the bread
slap on the back to congratulate
SEE MORE SEE LESS adverb informal exactly; directly slap on time
forcibly or abruptly to fall slap on the floor
Derived forms of slap slapper , noun Word Origin for slap C17: from Low German slapp, German Schlappe, of imitative origin
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to slap blow, blip, pat, punch, whack, box, poke, spank, crack, sock, bang, clout, chop, swat, smack, slam, cuff, buffet, wallop, strike