Another recent celebrity disclosure seems to offer a disappointingly affirmative answer to that question.
Rupert Everett reminds us homophobia persists in Hollywood|John Paul King|October 10, 2020|Washington Blade
A Labor Department spokesperson told Axios that the agency "appreciates Microsoft's assurance on its website that it is not engaging in racial preferences or quotas in seeking to reach its affirmative action and outreach goals."
The numbers behind tech's big diversity gaps|Ina Fried|October 9, 2020|Axios
Allowing Los Angeles to pass an affirmative action policy would allow it to more quickly diversify its workforce, she argues.
Morning Report: SANDAG Head Wades Into Supes Race|Voice of San Diego|August 14, 2020|Voice of San Diego
During the pandemic, some states, particularly those run by Democrats, are taking affirmative steps to make it much easier to vote.
Five Ways Trump And GOP Officials Are Undermining The Election Process|Perry Bacon Jr. (|August 11, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
His was one of six votes against the day, which received 90 votes in the affirmative.
Steve Scalise and the Right’s Ridiculous Racial Blame Game|Michael Tomasky|January 2, 2015|DAILY BEAST
In another unusual move, the grand jury considered not only the basic elements of the crime, but also affirmative defenses.
We Need More Ferguson-style Grand Juries|Kaimipono Wenger|November 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A sizable number of Asian Americans feel that affirmative action, in college admissions or elsewhere, has hurt them personally.
Why Harvard's Asians Are Invisible|Tim Mak|November 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Politically, witness the increasing popularity of affirmative action based on class rather than race.
How Barack and Michelle Have Normalized Black Prominence|John McWhorter|May 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The piece—an intended satire of affirmative action—was not received quite as warmly as the “I speak Jive” scene from Airplane!
Ex-Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner Relives College Glory Days|Olivia Nuzzi|May 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Negotiations were continued between the two councils until an affirmative or a negative conclusion was reached.
Ancient Society|Lewis Henry Morgan
It is better to make a direct statement in the affirmative if possible, than to involve it in negatives.
The Lure of the Pen|Flora Klickmann
Wherever Henry or his allies could bribe or bully the learned doctors, an answer was usually given in the affirmative.
A Student's History of England, v. 2 (of 3)|Samuel R. Gardiner.
"It was my bad management, it always is," said Rachel, ever affirmative.
The Clever Woman of the Family|Charlotte M. Yonge
They use a direct and positive negative, but express the affirmative by a nod of the head or an inclination of the body.
A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson|Watkin Tench
British Dictionary definitions for affirmative
/ (əˈfɜːmətɪv) /
confirming or asserting something as true or validan affirmative statement
indicating agreement or assentan affirmative answer
(of a categorial proposition) affirming the satisfaction by the subject of the predicate, as in all birds have feathers; some men are married
not containing negationCompare negative (def. 12)
a positive assertion
a word or phrase stating agreement or assent, such as yes (esp in the phrase answer in the affirmative)
logican affirmative proposition
the affirmativemainlyUS and Canadianthe side in a debate that supports the proposition
sentence substitute
militarya signal codeword used to express assent or confirmation