Henry Mackenzie

Mackenzie, Henry


Born Aug. 26, 1745, in Edinburgh; died there Jan. 14, 1831. Scottish writer.

The son of a physician, Mackenzie was educated at the University of Edinburgh. His novels The Man of Feeling (1771), The Man of the World (1773), and Julia de Roubigne (1777) show the influence of English sentimental poetry and of J.-J. Rousseau. A fine literary critic, Mackenzie also edited the journals The Mirror (1779-80) and The Lounger (1785-87).


Kuz’min, B. A. “Gol’dsmit i drugie romanisty sentimental’noi shkoly.” In Istoriia angliiskoi literatury, vol. 1, issue 2. Moscow-Leningrad, 1945.
Elistratova, A. A. Angliiskii roman epokhi Prosveshcheniia. Moscow, 1966. (See the name index.)