Hans Cloos
Cloos, Hans
Born Nov. 8, 1885, in Magdeburg; died Sept. 26, 1951, in Bonn. German geologist.
Cloos graduated from the University of Freiburg in 1909, and from 1926 he was a professor at Bonn. He showed that the study of the internal structure of granite masses helped explain the form and method of their intrusion. He proposed a method for the detailed investigation of granite tectonics and explained the dynamics of the formation of cracks in granite. Cloos thought that the orientation of minerals was caused by the “spreading” of magma perpendicular to the line of tectonic compression forces during its intrusion. He devoted much attention to the connection between volcanic activity and tectonics and to the origin of large grabens (rift zones).
Einführung in die Geologie. Berlin, 1936.Einführung in die tektonische Behandlung magmatischer Erscheinungen (Granittektonik), vol. 1. Berlin, 1925.
“Hebung—Spaltung—Vulkanismus.” Geologische Rundschau. 1939. Vol. 30.
Gespräch mit der Erde. Frankfurt am Main-Hamburg, 1949.
Tikhomirov, V. V., and N. A. Voskresenskaia. “75 let so dnia rozhdeniia nemetskogo geologa G. Kloosa.” Sovetskaia geologiia. 1960, no. 10.Bubnoff, S. “Requiem (zum Tode von H. Cloos).” Geologische Rundschau, 1953, vol. 41, pp. 1–10.