

单词 hrr



Abbreviation for high-risk register.

heart rate recovery



The decrease in heart rate that occurs one minute after maximal exercise. Normal people decrease their heart rates by at least 12 beats per minute (bpm) a minute after stopping maximal exercise. People whose heart rate does not decrease by 12 bpm have an increased risk of cardiac-related death.


HRRHenley Royal Regatta (England)
HRRHeat Release Rate
HRRHeart Rate Reserve
HRRHigh Range Resolution
HRRHomologous Recombination Repair (DNA)
HRRHeart Rate Recovery
HRRHospital Referral Region (various states)
HRRHuman Rights Report (Association of On-line Press Editors)
HRRHome Residency Requirement (US INS)
HRRHealth-Related Research
HRRHuman Resource Representative
HRRHousehold Response Rate (health surveys)
HRRHigh-Resolution Radar
HRRHierarchical Round Robin
HRRHigh Resolution Radar
HRRHardy-Rand-Rittler (color plates used in ophthalmology)
HRRHumanitarian Response Review
HRRHead Rice Recovery
HRRHockey Related Revenues
HRRHuman Research Roadmap (US NASA)
HRRHarmonic Rejection Ratio
HRRHöchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung (German: Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court)
HRRHigh Resolution Resistivity (geophysical exploration and characterization method)
HRRHigh Ridge Resources (exploration; various locations)
HRRHigh Ramp Rate
HRRHigh Risk Records
HRRHuman Race's Run (band)
HRRHealth Readiness Record (US DoD)
HRRHorizontal Refresh Rate
HRRHelicopter Rapid Refueling Procedures
HRRHealth Risk Review
HRRHigh Risk Requirement
HRRHeilig Rooms Rijk (Dutch: Holy Roman Empire)




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