Acronym | Definition |
AGSM➣Australian Graduate School of Management |
AGSM➣American Girl Stop Motion (videos) |
AGSM➣Anderson Graduate School of Management |
AGSM➣Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba (Canada) |
AGSM➣Anti-G Straining Maneuver |
AGSM➣American Graduate School of Management |
AGSM➣Atkinson Graduate School of Management (Willamette University; Salem, OR) |
AGSM➣Agricultural Systems Management |
AGSM➣Alternative Game Server Monitor (online gaming program) |
AGSM➣Annual General Shareholders Meeting |
AGSM➣American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. |
AGSM➣Agropyron Smithii |
AGSM➣Athens Graduate School of Management (Greece) |
AGSM➣Area General Sales Manager |
AGSM➣Agricultural Sub-Model |
AGSM➣Alliance Graduate School of Mission |
AGSM➣Associate of the Guildhall School of Music (UK) |
AGSM➣Agenzia Generale dei Servizi Municipalizzati (Italy) |
AGSM➣Association of GCRC System Managers |
AGSM➣Agency Sales Magazine |
AGSM➣Associate, Guildhall School of Music (And Drama) |
AGSM➣Anti-Globalization Social Movements |
AGSM➣Asociación Guatemalteca de Servicios Medicos |
AGSM➣Asociación Guatemalteca de Servicios Medicos (Guatemalan Association for Medical Services) |
AGSM➣American Scripture Gift Mission |
AGSM➣Atypical Glands Suspicious for Malignancy |
AGSM➣Ava Gorham Strip Mine |
AGSM➣Assistant Guest Services Manager |
AGSM➣Asia at the Graduate School of Management |