Hofmeister gastrectomy

Hof·mei·ster gas·trec·to·my

surgical procedure consisting of partial gastrectomy and retrocolic end-to-side gastrojejunostomy involving the greater curvature of the stomach.


Franz von, German surgeon, 1867-1926. Hofmeister anastomosisHofmeister antecolic gastrojejunostomyHofmeister drainage bagHofmeister endometrial biopsy curetteHofmeister gastrectomy - operation in which a portion of the stomach is removed and a retrocolic gastrojejunostomy is constructed.Hofmeister gastroenterostomyHofmeister operation - partial gastrectomy with closure of a portion of the lesser curvature and retrocolic anastomosis of the remainder to jejunum.Hofmeister techniqueHofmeister-Pólya anastomosis