Hunner ulcer

Hun·ner ul·cer

(hŭn'ĕr), a focal and often multiple lesion involving all layers of the bladder wall in chronic interstitial cystitis; the surface epithelium is destroyed by inflammation and the initially pale lesion cracks and bleeds with distention of the bladder. Synonym(s): elusive ulcer, Fenwick-Hunner ulcer

Hun·ner ul·cer

(hŭn'ĕr ŭl'sĕr) A focal and often multiple lesion involving all layers of the bladder wall in chronic interstitial cystitis; the surface epithelium is destroyed by inflammation and the initially pale lesion cracks and bleeds with distention of the bladder.

Hunner ulcer

(hun'er) [Guy LeRoy Hunner, U.S. surgeon, 1868–1957] Interstitial cystitis.


Guy L., U.S. surgeon, 1868-1957. Fenwick-Hunner ulcer - Synonym(s): Hunner ulcerHunner stricture - bladder stricture produced by interstitial cystitis (Hunner ulcer).Hunner ulcer - a focal and often multiple lesion involving all layers of the bladder wall in chronic interstitial cystitis. Synonym(s): elusive ulcer; Fenwick-Hunner ulcer