IHDIschemic Heart Disease
IHDIn-Home Display (utility information device)
IHDInstitute for Human Development (various locations)
IHDInternal Hard Drive
IHDIntegrated Help Desk
IHDin House Developed
IHDIntermittent Hemodialysis
IHDInternational Hydrological Decade
IHDInsan Haklari Dernegi (Turkish: Human Rights Association)
IHDIntramural Hematoma of the Esophagus
IHDInvestigations and Hearings Division (US FCC)
IHDIntense Hurricane Days
IHDInternational Help to the Disabled
IHDIndex of Hydrogen Deficiency
IHDIrregular Heartbeat Detector
IHDIntrahepatic Duct (bile duct within the liver)
IHDIn Home Devices
IHDIn-Home Detention (corrections)
IHDInstitute for Health & Disability
IHDIntra Hepatic Duct(s)
IHDInternal Help Desk
IHDIn-Home Date (postal term)
IHDImplantable Hearing Device
IHDInnovative Health Diagnostics (Strasbourg, France)
IHDIntegrated Handheld Device