AGWAnthropogenic Global Warming
AGWAnti-Global Warming
AGWAudio Gateway
AGWApplication Gateway
AGWAvon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire (National Health Service; UK)
AGWAccess Gateway
AGWArt Gallery of Windsor (Ontario, Canada)
AGWAccelerated Global Warming
AGWAgendus for Windows (software)
AGWAll Going Well
AGWAtmospheric Gravity Waves
AGWArt Gallery Worldwide
AGWActual Gold Weight
AGWA Girl's World (online magazine)
AGWAlt.Games.Warbirds (forum)
AGWAll Girl Weekend
AGWApplication Gateway (telecom)
AGWActual Gross Weight
AGWAutomatic Girth Welder
AGWAutonomous Guided Weapon
AGWAcoustic Gravity Wave
AGWAngelgeschäft Wehnemann (German angling equipment retailer)
AGWAllowable Gross Weight
AGWAnganwadi Worker (India)
AGWAccident Generated Water
AGWAndrée Gérard Wolff (French clothing retailer)