Harmonie State Park
Harmonie State Park
Location:25 miles northwest of Evansville and 4 miles south of New Harmony.
Facilities:200 campsites with electric hookups (6 @di), youth tent camping areas,camp store, 11 family cabins (2 @di), 6 picnic areas (é), 5 shelters,modern restrooms, playgrounds, playfields, bike trails (3 miles),hiking trails (8 miles), horse trails (3.5 miles; day use only),swimming pool, water slide, boat ramp, nature center.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Located along the banks of the Wabash River, the park offers scenichiking and biking trails. The historic town of New Harmony, locatednearby, honors two unique communities that settled here in the early1800s. Fleeing religious persecution, the Rappites arrived in 1814 toawait the impending millenium. Ten years later, the Owenites purchasedthe Rappite holdings and brought many great scientists and philosophersinto the area.
Address:3451 Harmonie State Park Rd
New Harmony, IN 47631
Web: www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/properties/park_harmonie.html
Size: 3,465 acres.
See other parks in Indiana.