ill-gotten gains

ill-gotten gains

Something, often money, that has been obtained through illegal or otherwise nefarious means. Her husband's in the mob, so I bet her jewelry's all ill-gotten gains.See also: gain

ill-gotten gains

money or other possessions acquired in a dishonest or illegal fashion. Bill cheated at cards and is now living on his ill-gotten gains. Mary is enjoying her ill-gotten gains. She deceived an old lady into leaving her $5,000 in her will.See also: gain

ill-gotten gains

Benefits obtained in an evil manner or by dishonest means, as in They duped their senile uncle into leaving them a fortune and are now enjoying their ill-gotten gains . [Mid-1800s] See also: gain

ill-gotten gains

Ill-gotten gains are money or other valuable things that someone gets illegally or in a way that is not morally good. They needed to find a route out of the country for their ill-gotten gains. Many museums are returning their ill-gotten gains.See also: gain