Gravina, Alfredo Dante
Gravina, Alfredo Dante
Born Oct. 31. 1913, in Tacuarembo Department. Uruguayan writer and Communist.
Gravina began his literary career as a story writer. The novel Borders Open to the Wind (1951; Russian translation, 1954) describes the social struggle on cattle ranches. The novels A Single Path (1958). From Fear to Pride (1959; Russian translation, 1962). and Time Upward (1964), as well as certain stories, are devoted to descriptions of the national life of Uruguay and the struggle of its people. Gravina is an active public figure. After his trip to the USSR and the countries of the people’s democracies he wrote journalistic articles and the books A Journey in the USSR and Czechoslovakia (1955) and Acquaintance With Rumania (1956).
Los ojos del monte y otros cuentos. Montevideo, 1962.Cuentos. Montevideo, 1966.
Brindis por el húngaro. Santiago de Chile, 1967.
Reportaje campesino. Montevideo. 1956.
In Russian translation:
Ostrov liubvi. Moscow. 1960.
Aseev. N. “O ’granitsakh, otkrytykh vetru’ (Pis’mo k Al’fredo Gravina).” Kul’tura i zhizn’, 1958, no. 4.Kel’in. F. “Put’ ot strakha k gordosti.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1960, no 12.
Kuteishchikova. V. Roman Latinskoi Ameriki ν XX veke. Moscow, 1964.
Moncado, J. “Un escritor nacional Alfredo Gravina.” Popular, Dec. 18. 1959.