

 [het″er-es-the´zhah] variation of cutaneous sensibility on adjoining areas.


(het'ĕr-es-thē'zē-ă), A change occurring in the degree (either plus or minus) of the sensory response to a cutaneous stimulus as the latter crosses a certain line on the surface. [heter- + G. aisthēsis, sensation]


(het'ĕr-es-thē'zē-ă) A change in degree (either plus or minus) of the sensory response to a cutaneous stimulus as the latter crosses a certain line on the surface of the skin.
Synonym(s): heteraesthesia.
[heter- + G. aisthēsis, sensation]


(het'ĕr-es-thē'zē-ă) A change occurring in the degree of sensory response to given cutaneous stimulus as the latter crosses a surface line.
Synonym(s): heteraesthesia.
[heter- + G. aisthēsis, sensation]