释义 |
hypogonadotropic [hi″po-gon″ah-do-trōp´ik] relating to or caused by deficiency of gonadotropin.hy·po·gon·a·do·trop·ic (hī'pō-gon'ă-dō-trop'ik), Indicating inadequate secretion of gonadotropins and its consequences.hypogonadism Endocrinology 1. Inadequate gonadal function, as manifest by defects in gametogenesis, secretion of, and/or response to, gonadal hormones. Cf Androgen replacement therapy.2. A clinical condition with ↓ or absent phenotypic expression of a person's sexual genotype, which may be 1º, due to a lack of end organ response to FSH or LH produced normally by an intact pituitary gland–hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, or 2º to defective hypothalamic or pituitary hormonal activity–hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Hypogonadism, etiology Primary ♀ Hypergonadotropic Turner syndrome, XX Turner sydrome, XX pure gonadal dysgenesis, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, autoimmune ovarian disease ♂ Hypergonadotropic Congenital anorchia, rudimentary testes, germ cell hypoplasia–del Castillo syndrome, XY Turner phenotype–Noonan syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome and variants, XX males, XYY males Secondary ♀ Hypogonadotropic Carpenter syndrome, hypopituitarism, Lawrence-Moon-Biedl, multiple lentigines syndrome, polycystic ovaries ♂ Hypogonadotropic Amyloidosis, Carpenter syndome, fertile eunuch syndrome, Fröhlich syndrome, Sheehan syndrome, Kallmann's disease, Laurence-Moon-Biedl disease, Lowe syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome .hy·po·gon·a·do·tro·pic (hī'pō-gon'ă-dō-trō'pik) Indicating inadequate secretion of gonadotropins and its consequences. |