

单词 idc



abbreviation for industrial development certificate


I don’t care



(1) (International Data Corporation, Framingham, MA, www.idc.com) A major market research, analysis and consulting firm in the information field. Founded in 1964, it provides annual briefings and in-depth reports on all aspects of the industry. IDC is a subsidiary of the International Data Group (IDG).

(2) (Internet Database Connector) A component of Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) Web server that is used to access ODBC-compliant databases. IDC uses two file types. The .IDC file contains the query statement that is sent to the database. The results of the query are placed into an HTML extension file (.HTX file) and returned to the user's browser via IIS. IDC is an ISAPI DLL named HTTPODBC.DLL.

(3) (Internet DataCenter) See telecom hotel.

(4) (Insulation Displacement Connector) A type of connector that strips off the insulation of the wire to make contact with it. The wire is pushed into the connector with a punchdown tool. See punch block.

An IDC Block
Note the "V" teeth on this 66 punch block. As the wire is pushed down into the teeth, the insulation is stripped and the wire makes contact with the conductor.



A gene on chromosome 1q22 that encodes lamin A/C, a protein highly conserved in evolution that forms part of the two-dimensional matrix of proteins located next to the inner nuclear membrane. Lamins are involved in providing nuclear stability and chromatin structure, and in gene expression.
Molecular pathology
LMNA mutations cause the so-called laminopathies—e.g., Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B1, progeria (Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome), dilated cardiomyopathy, Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy type 2, familial partial lipodystrophy, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 1B, mandibuloacral dysplasia, and some cases of Werner syndrome.


Abbreviation for indwelling catheter.


(kard?e-o-mi-op'a-the) [ cardio- + myopathy],


Any disease that affects the heart muscle, diminishing cardiac performance.

alcoholic cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy caused by years of heavy alcohol abuse. Affected patients have enlarged hearts and left ventricular failure. Abstinence from alcohol may halt or reverse the course of the illness in some people.

arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

Abbreviation: ARVC
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.

congestive cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy associated with enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart and congestive heart failure.

constrictive cardiomyopathy

Restrictive cardiomyopathy.

eosinophilic cardiomyopathy


hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Abbreviation: HCM
An autosomal dominant cardiomyopathy marked by excessive and disorganized growth of myofibrils, impaired filling of the heart (diastolic dysfunction), a reduction in the size of ventricular cavities, and, often, ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. Examination of the heart by echocardiography or other modalities may show the enlargement of the heart to be most pronounced in the interventricular septum. Hypertrophy in that location may limit the flow of blood (and increase pressure gradients) from the left ventricle to the aorta. Abnormal anterior motion of the mitral valve during systole also may be found. These two findings are often designated on echocardiographic reports of patients with HCM by the abbreviation ASH-SAM (asymmetric septal hypertrophy–systolic anterior motion [of the mitral valve]). Other forms of HCM may affect only the cardiac apex or cause diffuse enlargement of the heart muscle. The mass of the left ventricle in HCM is > 500 g. See: illustration

Symptoms and Signs

Although patients may be asymptomatic for many years, they commonly report shortness of breath (particularly on exertion), fatigue, atypical chest pain (at rest and after meals), orthopnea, dizziness, and other symptoms of congestive heart failure after the heart muscle markedly enlarges. An S4 and a harsh crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur, best heard at the left lower sternal border, may be present. Ventricular arrhythmias are common and may result in palpitations, syncope, or sudden death.


Drug therapies include beta blocking and calcium channel blocking drugs (such as verapamil) to slow heart rate, control arrhythmias, and reduce myocardial oxygen demand. Anticoagulants and antiarrhythmic agents are also occasionally used. For patients with marked enlargement of the ventricular septum and high outflow tract pressure gradients (> 50 mm Hg), surgical removal of the enlarged muscle or ablation often produces favorable improvements in exercise tolerance and breathing.

Patient care

Strenuous physical exercise should be discouraged because it may produce breathlessness, presyncope, or frank loss of consciousness. If applicable, the patient should be encouraged to lose weight, stop smoking, and limit alcohol intake. An implanted cardioverter/defibrillator (ICD) may be required. The patient should be advised to report symptoms of chest pain, prolonged dyspnea, or syncope promptly. First-degree relatives of those affected should be referred for evaluation.

idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

Abbreviation: IDC
Cardiomyopathy of occult or uncertain cause, possibly due to viral infections, unrecognized toxic exposures, or a genetic predisposition, but not to ischemia, hypothyroidism, hypertension, valvular disease, or alcohol abuse.


General supportive therapy includes rest, weight control, abstinence from tobacco, and moderate exercise at a level that does not cause symptoms. A salt-restricted diet is recommended. Therapy includes the use of vasodilators, such as ACE inhibitors, and diuretics like furosemide. Anticoagulants are important to prevent thrombus formation. IDC is a principal indication for cardiac transplant.

cardiomyopathy of overload

Enlargement of heart muscle resulting from long-standing or severe hypertension or aortic stenosis. Like all other forms of cardiomyopathy, the end result is heart failure.

peripartum cardiomyopathy

Dilated cardiomyopathy occurring either in the last month of pregnancy or in the six months after delivery. Its cause is unknown, but it occurs more often in older and multiparous women.

primary cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy of unknown cause.

restrictive cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy associated with lack of flexibility of the ventricular walls. Common causes include amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, and other diseases in which the heart is infiltrated by foreign material or scarred. Synonym: constrictive cardiomyopathy

secondary cardiomyopathy

Any cardiomyopathy in which the cause is either known or associated with a well-defined systemic disease. Included are cardiomyopathies associated with inflammation, toxic chemicals, metabolic abnormalities, and inherited muscle disorders.

stress-induced cardiomyopathy

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy

Cardiac remodeling and dysfunction that results from a chronically increased heart rate, usually a supraventricular arrhythmia. It is treated with medications such as beta blockers that slow the heart rate.

takotsubo cardiomyopathy

Reversible dysfunction of the left ventricle. It may be the cause of transient heart failure that occurs after exceptionally stressful events. The heart in such instances takes on a rounded shape with a narrow neck, resembling a traditional Japanese lobster trap (takotsubo). It is informally called broken-heart syndrome. Synonym: apical ballooning syndrome; stress-induced cardiomyopathy; transient left ventricular apical ballooning

idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

Abbreviation: IDC
Cardiomyopathy of occult or uncertain cause, possibly due to viral infections, unrecognized toxic exposures, or a genetic predisposition, but not to ischemia, hypothyroidism, hypertension, valvular disease, or alcohol abuse.


General supportive therapy includes rest, weight control, abstinence from tobacco, and moderate exercise at a level that does not cause symptoms. A salt-restricted diet is recommended. Therapy includes the use of vasodilators, such as ACE inhibitors, and diuretics like furosemide. Anticoagulants are important to prevent thrombus formation. IDC is a principal indication for cardiac transplant.

See also: cardiomyopathy


Abbreviation for indwelling catheter.



See: Interest During Construction

Intangible Drilling Costs

Expenses a company has when it drills for oil or natural gas. Intangible drilling costs are sometimes convenient for a company's tax purposes because it can deduct intangible drilling costs in one year when the company perhaps found little or no oil from profits made in a different year when the company does find oil.

Interest During Construction

In project finance, the interest that accumulates on a loan that finances the construction of a building or development. The IDC is a cost for the project, though it is not always calculated as such. The IDC is calculated until the project begins to generate revenue, when the company financing the project begins to service its debts.


IDCInternational Data Corporation
IDCI Don't Care
IDCInternet Database Connector
IDCInstructor Development Course (SCUBA PADI course designed to train instructors)
IDCInternet Data Center
IDCIndustrial Development Corporation (Trinidad and Tobago)
IDCInvasive Ductal Carcinoma
IDCIndustrial Design & Construction (various locations)
IDCInformation Development Consultants, Inc.
IDCIn Due Course
IDCInfrastructure Development Company (various locations)
IDCInterdisciplinary Center (Herzliya, Israel)
IDCIndirect Costs (commonly referred to as facilities and administrative costs)
IDCIndependent Democratic Conference (2011-2018)
IDCInternet Data Collection (surveys)
IDCInstituto de Defesa do Consumidor (Portuguese: Office of Consumer Protection; Brazil)
IDCInternational Development Conference
IDCInternational Datacasting Corporation
IDCInterior Design Center (various locations)
IDCInsulation Displacement Contact
IDCImaging Dynamics Company (Canada)
IDCInternational Design Competition
IDCInterdigital Communications
IDCInterdepartmental Committee (various locations)
IDCIntegrated Database Connector
IDCIdentifier for Cursor
IDCInternational Digital Center
IDCInternational Data Communications
IDCInsulation Displacement Connector
IDCId for a Control
IDCInternet Data Connector
IDCInter Device Communication
IDCIntelligent Distribution Controls
IDCInteractive Dynamics and Control
IDCInformation Distribution Companies
IDCIntegrated Desktop Connector
IDCIndwelling Catheter (urinary)
IDCInteraction Design and Children (International Conference)
IDCInformation Dominance Corps (US Navy)
IDCInterest During Construction
IDCIntegrated Development Corporation (various locations)
IDCInstitute for Distributed Creativity
IDCIndependent Duty Corpsman (US Navy hospital corpsman with advanced training)
IDCIntelligent Distributed Computing (International Symposium)
IDCIdentification Code
IDCSutd-Mit International Design Centre (various locations)
IDCInterchange Distribution Calculator (North American Electric Reliability Corporation)
IDCIntelligent Design Creationism
IDCIntangible Drilling Costs
IDCInter-Departmental Committee
IDCInterior Designers of Canada
IDCInfectious Disease Consultants (various locations)
IDCIndigent Defense Commission (various locations)
IDCImmature Dendritic Cells
IDCInternational Diabetes Center
IDCIdaho Department of Commerce
IDCIndia Delivery Center (various organizations)
IDCIndefinite Delivery Contract (ongoing project)
IDCIntegrated Digital Camera
IDCInstructional Development Center (various locations)
IDCInitial Development Cost
IDCInternational Development Corporation
IDCInformation Decision and Control
IDCIllinois District Council (Pentecostal Assemblies)
IDCInitiating Device Circuits
IDCInformation Dominance Center
IDCIllinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel
IDCInfectious Diseases in Children (journal)
IDCIndependent Distribution Consultant
IDCInternational Documentary Challenge (filmmaking competition)
IDCInnovative Developing Countries
IDCIntegrated Delivery Channels (HSBC)
IDCInformation and Documentation Center (Royal Institute of Technology Library, Stockholm, Sweden)
IDCInternational Drycleaners Congress
IDCInternet Data Communications
IDCInternet Development Consulting (various companies)
IDCInterdepartmental Communication (Memo)
IDCIndex of Dispersion for Counts
IDCInstantaneous Deviation Control
IDCItem Description Code
IDCIris Deactivation Code (Stargate)
IDCImage Dissector Camera
IDCInter-Digital Capacitor
IDCInstructional Delivery Continuum
IDCIndicator Dilution Curve
IDCInternal Drive Cable
IDCInitial Design Concept (Sprint)
IDCInternational Dollar Card (American Express)
IDCInitial Defensive Capability
IDCInter Discipline Check
IDCInsulation Displacement Connector/Connection
IDCInterdepartmental Correspondence
IDCIn Dwelling Catheter
IDCInnovation Dynamics Consulting, Inc. (Matthews, NC)
IDCInformation Distribution Company
IDCInstitut Diplomatique et Consulaire (French: Diplomatic and Consular Institute)
IDCInternational Digital Centre, Inc. (New York City, NY, USA)
IDCInformation Design Change
IDCImplementation Strategies for Knowledge Management in Banking
IDCIntegrated Door Controller
IDCInter-Dial Clock (ICAS)
IDCIdentity of Key Distribution Center (FIPS)
IDCIngenieros de Construcción (Guatemala)
IDCInstallation Design Criteria
IDCImperial Defense College
IDCInvoluntary Detrusor Contractions (bladder disorder)
IDCInternational Development Course
IDCIntercostal Data Corporation
IDCInternational Driver's Challenge (auto racing)
IDCIntegrated Demonstration Coordinator
IDCIncome Damages Calculator
IDCIn-Transit Data Card
IDCIntelligent Digital Crossconnect
IDCInternet Design Consulting
IDCIntelligent Distribution Centre (industrial order picking)
IDCInternational Digital Communications, Incorporated
IDCIndividual Defense Counsel
IDCInteractive Datacom Configurator
IDCIntelligent Data Cleanup
IDCInterconnected Duct System
IDCInteractive Display and Control
IDCInspection Data Code
IDCInterrupted Direct Current (physical therapy)
IDCIsleton Development Company, LLC (Isleton, California)
IDCInitial Distribution Cancellation
IDCInput Data Correction
IDCInternational Delivery Center
IDCIsolation Dynamics Corporation
ThesaurusSeetelecom hotel




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