HWSHobart and William Smith Colleges (Geneva, New York)
HWSHalswirbelsaeule (German: Cervical Spine)
HWSHuman Workflow Services
HWSHarvard-Westlake School (California)
HWSHot Water Supply
HWSHard White Spring (wheat)
HWSHermes Warehousing Solutions (Otto Group; Germany)
HWSHeinrich Wagner Sinto (casting machines)
HWSHousehold Waste Site (UK)
HWSHugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs (Wichita State University; Kansas)
HWSHochschule Wismar Service (Germany)
HWSHigh Wet Strength (paper)
HWSHumane Waking System (alarm clocks)
HWSHazardous Waste Site
HWSHöchstwahrscheinlich (German)
HWSHealth Workforce Solutions (San Francisco, CA)
HWSHarvard, Wharton, Stanford (universities)
HWSHurried Woman Syndrome
HWSHollow Wooden Surfboard
HWSHoliday Withdrawal Syndrome
HWSHigh Water Springs
HWSHighlighted Web Site
HWSHarpoon Weapon System
HWSHardware Supplies
HWSHarpoon Weapons System
HWSHolographic Weapons System
HWSHeater, Water, Steam
HWSHybrid Wireless Satellite
HWSHead and Web Seperation (railway defect)
HWSHanover Wind Symphony (Whippany, NJ)
HWSHistorical Wind Speed
HWSHoskins-Western-Sonderegger, Inc. (Lincoln, Nebraska)