Hydraulic-Engineering Concrete

Hydraulic-Engineering Concrete


concrete used in building structures of individual parts of structures that are permanently under water or periodically in contact with a water environment; a variety of heavy concrete.

Hydraulic-engineering concrete is characterized by its resistance to the aggressive action of water, imperviousness to water, resistance to frost and to compression and expansion, and limited liberation of heat during hardening. The demands made on hydraulic-engineering concrete depend on the location and working requirements of hydroengineering structures and their design components. Portland cement and varieties of it are used in preparing hydraulic-engineering concrete; they are supplemented with sand, crushed rock, and gravel or pebbles up to 150 mm or more in size. The quality of hydraulic-engineering concrete is improved by the introduction of various additives (for air-trapping, plasticizing, compacting, and so on).


Stol’nikov, V. V. Issledovaniia po gidrotekhnicheskomu betonu. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962.