Hahnemann, Samuel

Hahnemann, Samuel

(zä`mo͞oĕl hä`nəmän), 1755–1843, German physician, founder of homeopathyhomeopathy
, system of medicine whose fundamental principle is the law of similars—that like is cured by like. It was first given practical application by Samuel Hahnemann of Leipzig, Germany, in the early 19th cent.
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. He expounded his system in Organon of the Rational Art of Healing (1810, tr. 1913). He practiced in Leipzig, Köthen, and Paris and despite opposition, gained a large following.

Hahnemann, Samuel


Born Apr. 10, 1755, in Meissen; died July 2, 1843, in Paris. German physician, founder of homeopathy.

Hahnemann received his medical education in Leipzig and Erlangen. He fought against the use of bloodletting, emetics, and other treatments that doctors of his time abused. He attached great importance to hygiene and dietetics.


In Russian translation:
Organon vrachebnogo iskusstva ili osnovnaia teoriia sposoba gomeopaticheskogo lecheniia … St. Petersburg, 1884.


Brazol’, L. E. S. Ganeman: Ocherk ego zhizni i deiatel’nosti. St. Petersburg, 1896.