ice cream headache

A migraine triggered by oropharyngeal irritation due to cold foods, the ingestion of which may cause bifrontal headaches in individuals prone to migraines

ice cream headache

 A migraine triggered by oropharyngeal irritation due to cold foods, the ingestion of which may cause bifrontal headaches in Pts with migraines

ice cream headache

One of the commonest causes of headache, experienced by at least one third of ice cream afficionados when ingestion is rapid and mouthfuls large. The pain is induced by narrowing of arteries following cooling of the back part of the hard palate. It is felt in the forehead or temporal region, starts soon after the first mouthful, and reaches a climax within a minute. Occasionally it persists for as long as five minutes. There is no reason to suppose that this form of referred pain is harmful, but it can be avoided by a more restrained habit of consumption.